Monday October 4th - Exhausting day but mum coming home tomorrow!

3 minute read time.

Well I began making phone calls at 8am this morning.  I was determined that mum was coming home tomorrow and with the nurses telling me last night that they hadn't yet made contact with the social worker I knew I would have to get on the case this morning.

I rung the ward and asked to speak to the ward manager.  She checked mums notes and said they had contacted the social workers but they had to allow 3 working days to get in touch.  Unhappy with this I rung the hospital switchboard and asked to be put through to the hospital social workers.  I spoke to a very nice woman who took mums details and then told me she would put me through to mums allocated social worker, Alison.  Alison came on and asked for all sorts of information, told me about all sorts of red tape, case conferences etc.  I explained that mum was fast track according to Christine and that she should be home within 24 hours.  Alison then asked what my name was and said 'Caroline Swan?'  It turns out I taught her kids and wasn't I grateful that I had been professional and done a good job.  She told me not to worry, she was going to speak to a colleague with experience of liaising with the hospice and would also speak to the ward.  She told me to get ready and come up to the hospital where she'd meet me and mum.

She did this and then went off to make various phonecalls to the different agencies promising to see us later in the day.  The ward manager then came in and we had to complete a checklist, lots of questions she should have been able to answer if her staff had cared for my mum properly and had gotten to know her in the two weeks she's been in there.  We answered the questions and then she added up the points, upshot - mum should be ok to come home tomorrow.  Next the pharmacist came and took all mums meds away to get enough ready for her to bring home.  Then I had a phonecall on the ward from the hospice who told me that from next week we would get a couple of nights plus some day time as part of hospice at home.  Unfortunately they had no availability for this week as they were struggling for cover but if that changes they will get in touch. 

Alison returned to the ward late afternoon.  She had also spoken to Christine and the Doctor at the hospice who will probably visit mum at home to assess what she needs in terms of health care.  She explained that they only deal with social care such as meals, personal care etc. and asked mum how she would go to the toilet - got a stairlift says mum- oh no says I, commode downstairs remember!  Next she asked how mum would get washed - in the kitchen - so who'll do that? - I will says mum - do you think you can do that mum? - Yes if you give me a basin!  Lol!  I have to laugh as she can hardly lift her arms let alone wash herself.  I told Alison I would do it.  How will you get up out of bed? - Caroline will do it - mum was beginning to get the idea!

Upshot is social services will not provide any care as the only things they would provide I will be doing.  There are services available such as shopping, cleaning etc. which I would pay for if I want it.  If at any time I feel I can no longer look after mums personal care and basic needs this can be reviewed.  So I wasn't able to take mum home on Friday because there had to be a care package put in place by social services, tomorrow she will come home with no care package from social services.  The bed came this afternoon and mums district nurse phoned me to ask what was going on as the ward had told her they were waiting on a bed at the hospice for mum!  Wrong again! 

Mum wasn't great today but I think that was down to her disappointment about having to spend another night in that hell hole!  Her bed is here, it's all ready with lovely new bedding and I'm hoping she will be much brighter tomorrow when she comes home.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline, So pleased your mum is coming home,bet she will have a big smile on her face this morning. Cherish every day ,Best wishes  Sue  xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    You beat the system mate ! well done - shows what determination and love can achieve - both of you enjoy every day you can - recon you have just earned a few more there

    Hugs Mate

    John xx