Monday March 14th - 5 months on and learning to walk on my own!

2 minute read time.

Well it's 5 months today since I lost my wee mum.  Sometimes I feel she hasn't been here with me for so long and at other times it seems like it was only yesterday.  Will I ever get over losing her?  No!  Am I learning to cope without her?  Yes!

I'm definitely moving forward and starting to pick up the pieces and move forward.  I am returning to work on March 28th.  The fact that I now feel I can return to work is definite progress because for the last few months I have felt I would never go back.  My boss has continued to do everything to support me and I will be going back on a phased return.  She is also allowing my friend Suz, who has been covering for me since I went off, to remain with me for a while so that if I have a wobble I can take some time out of class.  That has made me feel much more positive about going back.

I have also started to venture out of the house more and don't feel the desperation to get back home as soon as I can, the way I have been doing over the past few months.  I have had a couple of trips away for a few days and did manage to enjoy both.  Yesterday I did some shopping in Sainsburys.  No big deal really but I had taken to doing all my shopping online so it is another small step back to 'normality', whatever that is! 

On May 27th I am taking 82 kids to Disneyland Paris for a few days and I'm beginning to look forward to it.  Gillian, Naomi, Charlotte, Thomas, Joseph and Freya are all coming with me, as is Suz, and I have 8 other colleagues who are fantastic so I'm sure we'll have a fab time.  My school is in an extremely deprived area and the parents have been paying up a little at a time over the past 18 months so that their kids can have this experience so we need to make sure it's one they'll never forget. 

Well that's just a quick update.  I hope you can see that although I'm not over losing mum, and never will be, I am now much more positive that I can move forward without her.  I am praying that my mum and dad are looking down on me and are happy to see that, at the age of almost 50, I have, at last, learned to walk on my own!

  • FormerMember

    hi caroline

    nice to hear your news and that you have been having some positive days. its all baby steps along the path to finding a new 'normal'. xx

    disneyland paris is fab - the kids will love it and the excitement will rub on you as well. hope you all have a great time.

    love n hugs, claire xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Caroline, just read your beautiful blog!  I am so pleased you are walking the walk.  If mum and dad are looking down on you right now they would be the proudest parents ever.  You have come through your grief to a place where you are starting to live again.  God bless you, enjoy every minute, but when you feel wobbly, just say and I bet your friend Suz will be more than happy to give you a hug - she will want to and that's a very special gift from a person.  God bless, good luck in Disneyland with all those kids - I can't cope with one (my 21 yr old!).  I am so proud for you.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks so much to all of you for your lovely comments.  It was nice to be able to write something more positive after all the negative blogs you've been subjected to by me over the past few months.  It helps so much to know you are all there in MacLand supporting and encouraging me.