Monday July 26th - Very funny!

2 minute read time.

Any of you who have read my previous blogs will be aware that for the past few weeks mum has had a very sore mouth and that she is thinking of moving in with the dentist she's seen him so many times in the past fortnight!  Today we were there again and he filed down what was left of the right hand side of her top denture so that it is now practically flat with nothing to hold them in place.  She came home armed with polygrip and fixodent, cement might have been a better option to be honest!  He advised her still to keep the teeth out as much as possible before we go away on Saturday and to continue to use the gelclair as well as rinsing her mouth with salt and water.  We also stopped by Boots and bought some biotene gel, the only thing she hasn't tried to date.

What you don't know is that mum is a hoarder and I have to sneak all sorts into the rubbish when she's not looking.  She always argues that you never know when something will come in useful and often hides things away that she knows I would throw out. 

Well she's just gone upstairs to bed and I could hear her opening and closing drawers, cupboards etc. and then I heard her heading back along the landing and down stairs.  I asked her why she had come back down and she smiled at me with a full set of teeth.  'Why have you put your teeth in?' I asked her and back comes the reply 'I've just found these, they're my old teeth and they're not hurting!'  I had to laugh.  I wonder how many people keep sets of dentures for more than 15 years after they've stopped wearing them?

I'm now wondering if people gums swell and shrink according to their body weight.  Mum had the old set of teeth up until a time when she had gained quite a bit of wait and they no longer fitted properly because they hurt her mouth as if they were too tight.  Recently she has lost a lot of weight (about 1 and a half stone) and her teeth became slack and rubbed her gums causing her a lot of pain.  Could it be that just as we go from one size of clothes to another when we gain and lose weight the same thing happens with dentures?  I'm not really sure but if the teeth are ok and she isn't having any pain I'm glad for once that she managed to hide something away that I would've thrown out given half a chance!

She would have a fit if she thought I was telling everyone about the saga of her top denture.        

  • FormerMember

    I'm so ashamed... I still have my old brace from when I was in my teens!  Think a giant clear out is in order!

    Hope you both have a smashing holiday and mum's "new" teeth remain comfortable!

    Marsha xx

  • FormerMember

    Good on your mum, see you never know when you might need things after all. Enjoy that Carol x

  • FormerMember

    great way to start the day with a giggle - thanks Caroline and mum!   Hope this has sorted the problem and those teeth give your mum comfort.

    Its great that your mum has picked up before your hols and have a fantastic time.

    Nic xx

  • FormerMember

    hi caroline, im lol at you ,

    but being sensible yes dentures would adjust with losing weight ect , im sure a dentist would recommend new fittings as money for them ,but we have had residents whom have gone back to using old ones normally coz they have lost them ,and it does no harm in fact good if they can then eat or in your mums case is comfortable

    bless you both ,have a lovely holiday ,hugs to you both jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    haha that's brilliant!  Glad she's found a solution!lx