Friday September 3rd - Mums legs are so weak!

2 minute read time.

Just as I'm about to return to work after the summer break my mums legs seem to have got even weaker.  When we went for her wig yesterday she decided she would walk to the shop from the car.  It was only across the road.  As we got to the pavement on the otherside she took a rather large stride onto the pavement and her leg just gave way.  I had to pull her up onto her feet and she was quite shaken.  I thought it was just because she had taken too long a stride and thought no more about it. 

Tonight I went upstairs to watch the footy and I heard mum shouting on me.  When I went downstairs she was kneeling on the floor.  She had got down to plug a lamp in and just couldn't get back up.  I told her off as she knows if she gets down on her knees she can't get back up.

5 minutes ago I heard a bang and set off down stairs again.  I found her on her hands and knees in the kitchen.  She had been trying to get something out of a cupboard which is quite high and she overbalanced and fell on her backside.  She had got onto her hands and knees but just couldn't get up.  I had to lift her up just as I'd had to earlier.  I could see she was going to get upset so I just gave her a hug and we had a laugh about what I was going to have to do with her, maybe tie her to the chair!

Although I had a laugh with her I'm now really worried about when I go back to work.  I'm sure the fall wasn't caused by the weakness in her legs, but because she leant back to avoid something that was going to fall out of the cupboard, but the fact remains if she falls she can't get back up.  I'm so worried that if she falls while I'm out she'll lie there all day.  Anyone any ideas about how I could prevent this happening.  I thought about her keeping a mobile phone in her pocket.  Am I over-reacting?  I know I'll worry all day on Monday.  I just don't know what I can do.  We actually went for a walk round the block earlier and she had managed really well and thought her legs felt a bit stronger!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline, sorry to hear your Mum has been having a few problems. Would it be worth having a word with your Mac nurse to see if she could arrange for someone to pop in a couple of times a day while you are at work? Does your Mum like jigsaws? they can while away an hour or two. I do hope things improve soon, try not to worry too much. Thinking of you, Val X