Friday October 1st - A day for making decisions!

2 minute read time.

Mum phoned me early this morning, informed me she had had her breakfast and said 'so much for you coming in to give it me!'.  I didn't say that of course and she then said 'oh yeah, I remember it was lunch.'  That dealt with she informed me that she was feeling brighter and that she had had her blood pressure taken.  She asked when I would be in and I told her around 11am.  I then text Christine and asked her what the possibility would be of bringing mum home if there was still no bed in the hospice.  She and Dr Mehta had discouraged this and my uncle was adamant that I couldn't cope but I made up my mind last night that if it was possible it was going to happen.

The reason I made this decision is because it is what mum wants.  She wants to be at home where she can see the kids every day and where she has everything, and everyone, that she knows and loves around her.  She has told me she understands why she can't come home as she knows I couldn't cope and then I thought why can't I?  I am spending about 10 hours a day at the hospital and about 2 hours travelling back and forward so that I can keep the washing down and keep a good supply of nighties at the hospital (they lost a brand new one, first time on yesterday, today!).  During my time at the hospital I do everything for mum and the nurses do nothing.  I know it's going to be tougher because she will be with me 24/7 abut it's tough now especially when I have to leave her there knowing that it will be hit or miss whether she gets the care she deserves or not!

Christine came to see me and mum this morning in the ward and we set things in motion to make it possible for mum to come home.  Mums district nurse rung me this afternoon and has ordered a hospital bed to be delivered Monday.  She will also sort out a Marie Curie Nurse and Hospice at home.  On Monday we have to meet with the social worker at the hospital to put the care package in place and then mum can come home.  I don't have a lot of faith in social workers as the one mum has had since diagnosis has been awful but Christine says it will be a different one.  I hope she gets her finger out on Monday and that if mum is not home on Monday she will be by Tuesday.

It was interesting that mums district nurse did not take to the nurse from the ward that had rung her.  This is a nurse mum also has no time for as she says she's nice when I'm there and nasty when I'm not!  Tne District nurse has also said there will probably be no need for mum to go into the hospice at all.  She asked what mum wanted and I said we haven't discussed where she wants to die as she doesn't acknowledge it's going to happen, her way of dealing with it, it's not happening.  However, I believe mum would be much happier at home, maybe at some point we'll discuss it maybe not,  it's got to be about what mum wants and if she doesn't say then I'll do what I think is right.

So today has been a day for making decisions!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    I am glad that you ahve made a decision to bring your mum hope as you seem happier for having made it. I am saddened that your mum is at this  stage, but it seems that in Christine you have a gem and I am am sure that between you both, you will be able to ensure your mums needs are met at home (or hospice if the time comes and you decide that). You have been such a devoted daughter and firmly have your mums interests at heart. I hope that you continue you to enjoy each others company for some time yet. Please make sure that you make some time for you too though, it is easy to forget your own needs in this situation but your Mum needs a daughter who is not worn out, so get a little tlc time for you too.

    Take care, love to both you and your mum, Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    Caroline what a fab person you are, good luck to you and your mum, she has a wonderful daughter to be proud of.

    love to you both Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Im glad you can make decisions about your mum now i know that you will cope but it aint gonna be easy as you know . remember we are here for you if you need an ear to chew off or just a rant and a chat we care for you keep strong thinking about you

    Hugs for you and mum


  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    Well what can I say? You don't mess about once you've made your mind up do you? I think you've made the right decision for both you and your Mum, you'll both be happier. As for the future, well no need to look further than next week and getting Mum home for now, everything can wait for the time being.

    Love and Hugs to you both

    Maxine xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    That is fantastic news!  I am so pleased for both you and mum.  You certainly didn't hang around long, and, I just know it is the right decision for you both.  You have done an amazing job caring for mum and I know you will continue to do so.  I am glad that you have the support you need as well, because thats important.  Any advice on equipment, you know who to ask eh;).

    Lots of love to you and mum.

    Nic xxx