December 6th 2009 - mum very low!

1 minute read time.

Today is the first day I've seen mum quite low in mood.  She decided not to go out with Nuala and I and, therefore, didn't put on her wig.  The reason for her low mood is definitely her hair coming out.  She asked me tonight to run my hand through her hair and see how much came away.  She then said 'it would break your heart!' and she's right it would.  I've watched her today and she has been constantly running her fingers through her hair and then looking at the hair in her hand.  Yet again I find myself powerless to do anything.  I suggested that maybe she gets it cut really short or that she even may want to shave it off.  She said the thought made her feel sick.  Shouldn't have suggested it but was trying to explain that many people on here have said that that's what they had done and had felt ok once it had all gone.  I'm gutted for her and am concerned that after having a few good days earlier in the week she is now quite depressed.

I'm off to work in the morning and Nuala is heading back to London so she'll be on her own for most of the day and I know that her hair will be constantly in her thoughts as there will be no distractions.  There is a temptation to stay at home but I can't stop her hair falling out so would be of little use.  I also need to take time off to take her for her appointments and chemo so need to be in work whenever possible.  I was going to say I know that we're on a rollercoaster but I love rollercoasters and I most certainly am not loving this!! 

Anyway enough moaning for tonight, maybe tomorrow will be a good day?  I pray that it is. 

  • FormerMember

    hi celiswan,

    it is a massive shock for your mum's hair falling out my dads has just started to come out this wkend but i think its worse for a woman and as for you suggesting shaving her head i think i would have said the same your not wrong for saying it i think your brave and strong...i'm sure once she gets her head around it she'll see you was only helping, you are there for her 24/7......aswell as your mum how are you coping with it all????......take care Nicky..x

  • FormerMember

    Hi.  Thanks to you all for your kind words.  Mum is a bit better today and has even said she might have her hair cropped or even shaved.  We'll see. The hairdresser is coming on Thursday so if mum is feeling ok about doing either of the above she will have the opportunity.  

  • FormerMember

    hiya celi, i used to be the same... when my hair first started coming out i jus kept running my hands through my hair, and it really got me down, the worst was when i washed it, and then i brushed it, the amount of hair was unreal... so i said id shave it, and got my mum to to do it, i thought wed both cry, but then i realsied that hair is nothing, and that it will grow back... so i didnt even cry.. i shocked myslef, most people say that a shaved head suits me, i had my third chemo last week, my hair still comes out when i put my hands thru it, but i dont tend to do that nomore, because i cant see it... hope youre mum picks up a little xx