waiting... what a silly old game!!!

3 minute read time.

WELL... been to the hospital..

im not sure what to think...

sat down, he asked me a million and one questions..

how are you?

well.. im ok, had pains in chest, back and collar bone.. and got a lump in my neck.. right ok how longs it been there.. since monday... ok.

where have you been the last few weeks? what are you doing with myself? do you go clubbing? have you been away?

yes... i have been clubbing..

where? down town! where down town? barracuda! and what did u do? drink!! (((jeeee whats that gotta do with a lump in my neck?? ok fair enough.. public place could mean infection or something...)))

sooo i says, yeah ive been away.. camping.. in june.. and july.. nothing recent..

ok then, what about work? ive not gone back, didnt want the stress just yet, for the same money, when i can do something better with myself..

then he went on to feel my lump, and neck..

hmm yeah well there is something there.. ahh yes.. well i wouldnt worry to much just yet, wait til it gets bigger...

lets see in your mouth... ok, slightly red, but i wouldnt say thats a problem either..no throat infection...

((thanks for putting my mind at rest)) NOT!!

so out from behind the curtain... sits back down... the nurse is in there.. well actually two nurses (one being my clinical trials nurse) ... they ask him should i be having a three month scan now, that he didnt want before.. well they didnt ask... they told him... so he wrote down on the scan form.. chest..

so the nurse goes... its neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis..

the doctor looked at me.. goes.. the full works then!

so.. i should be gettin a scan date through the post in the next two weeks.. nurse said not to be alarmed if it came through the post in the next few days... cuz if she didnt put the sticker on it, i wouldnt have the scan for ageees yet.. so to me.. it seems the nurses are more concerened than the doctor..

and the doctor said,

will this scan make you happier.. yes cause then if its nothing i can put my mind at rest!!

so... ive come home.. with no explanation as to why ive got a lump... and ive got a blood form.. for when i have the scan... and then ive got a scan date coming through the post... and an appointment to see him again in four weeks time...

now the tricky part.....

as dr says.... dont worry!!

ahahahaha he having a laugh.. me? not worry!!

soooo mac chatters and bloggers and anyone reading... sorry if i rant in another blog or even in chat.. if the worrying gets the better of me!!

but i am pleased the scan is in the next two weeks... just gotta wait for it to come through the post now...... waiting...

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emz,

    So you had a very satisfying appointment.????

    and now the waiting starts again,never mind its only 2 weeks.!!!!!!!!!

    You should have asked him hows that lump on your head.  He says what Lump.?

    There upon you hit him with your handbag and said That LUMP. All the best Pal.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emz , Good Luck with your scan, Waitings the worst isn't it!!!!  Try and keep yourself busy.

    Best wishes  Sue  xxx

  • FormerMember

    What a frustrating appointment Emz but at least your nurses seem to be on the ball.  Hopefully you'll get your date quickly and once you've had the scan they will get the results to you as quickly as possible.  One of the biggest problems with this horrid disease - the waiting!  Take care.  Love Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    How frustrating for you Em, I love Sarsfield's idea i think you should go with that tactic next time you see him lol.

    I wish you the very very best of luck for your scan hun, you really don't deserve any more s*^t.

    Take Care babes. XXXXXX

  • FormerMember

    Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiaiting and so say all of us!!!!!

    Good Luck Emz I hope you get the appt soon and then the results to ease all our minds.

    Lots of love Julie X