update on me.

Less than one minute read time.

Not to much to say to be honest.

working almost 30 hours a week. for no money only my jobseekers, is getting me quite down.

constantly feeling tired. always dizzy at work, getting temperatures, and feeling generally rubbish.  so work through the days feeling like this.. managers have no time to talk to me, unless its to tell me what job to do..

had a low mood the last few days.

had my one year post treatment scan and blood tests last thursday. get results this thursday.

hopefully all is good on thursday so then my mood can pick back up and i can get back on with things. and hopefully find a paid job. asap...

hope ur all keeping well..

love emz. xxx

  • FormerMember

    Good luck for Thursday Em.  You really should be taking good care of yourself though.  Its so unfair you have to work 30 hours a week unpaid.  You've been to hell and back and should be taking little steps into the big world.  Please look after yourself.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Good luck for Thursday Emz! Take it easy! As for work lets hope something comes of it. Have you spoken to Dr about dizziness etc???

    Tiggs x

  • FormerMember

    Good luck for tomorrow Emz, will be thinking of you. Hope you feel better soon.  Its a big shock to the system going back to work after time off. You have not had a phazed return just chucked in the deep end.

    Take care of your self, Rosie