
2 minute read time.

well, i thought i would blog this, because i know lots of people are going to be asking.

the ct scan shows  that i have a few raised lymph nodes in my neck, collar bone area..which i already knew as i could feel them, and then pains..

doctor said to me, that they will be having a meeting with consultants from the other two hospitals, coventry and warwickshire, that will be on tuesday to see if they think further action should be taken, and if further action will be taken, it will be a PET scan to see if the lymph nodes are active. and i have another appointment for four weeks time, if the lymph nodes get bigger, or if i suffer with other symptoms then ive got to go back and see them before then. but for now.. im ok..

i guess i already knew what they were going to say, because i already knew my lymph nodes were raised, because i have lumps. the scan just confirms it.  i will keep pushing for a PET scan because i want to know that the lymph nodes arent active.. that is something a CT scan cannot show, nor can there eyes tell.. so i really really want the PET scan...

they compared this weeks scan, to junes scan, and because junes scan they couldnt use dye because of the trouble with cannula,  they couldnt tell wether i had raised lymph nodes then or not.. the doctor seems to think they would have been raised then to... well if so... i WOULD of felt them then.. so i dont believe him.

i am keeping my fingers crossed that they say they want to do a PET scan, as it will put my own mind at ease then...

so how am i feeling... im feeling ok, not to worried just yet, because i know either way, ive only got four weeks to wait to be seen again, and i can ring anytime i like, and if there is change then im to go back straight away... and that tuesday they are all talking about .... me!! 

sooooo for now i got to keep my mind on other things...

everyone... all i ask is that you keep your fingers crossed that i get a PET scan to check these nodes arent active.... and to keep your fingers crossed that the nodes are just an innocent explination...

thanks for all the wishes and good lucks for today... means alot to me =) xxx
