just a small blog

1 minute read time.

ive taken the advice from others on here...

and rang up the xray department...

i am having my CT scan on the 28th...

so just another weeks wait....

and, today at quater to 11, im going to see my gp... because my neck is hurting me and im fed up of the pains... cuz if the lumps are nothing like the cancer returning, then whatever it is, im suffering with..

thanks for all being here =)


update....been the doctors...

hes given me some better pain killers and has said i can have stronger if i need them.. so co codamol it is for now..

whilst i was sat waiting for prescription in the pharmacy.. the nurse rang me from the hospital.. and i told her about the scan being on the 28th.. she then said, emma, i know you came last week, and u were due this week.. please keep the apointment, come again on thursday so that DR N can have another look at your neck...she asked me how i was keeping.. i said ok, but in pain with neck. she said, well even more of a reason to come then on thursday... and then because the follow up appointment for the scan results was supposed to be the 14th october... shes bringing that closer so that i dont have to wait as long for the results....

and what do i say....

WELL.... HIP HIP HOORAY!!! they finally listening to me...!!!!!
