=( i dunno....

4 minute read time.

i wasnt going to write this blog. because its very personal to me, but i need to get it out

me and john..

we got together in april, 2007, in september 2007 we got engaged. i was 17, he was 18.

then in october 2009 i got diagnosed with cancer, i was 19 and he was 20... everyone says its young to get cancer at that age, but as we all know, cancer doesnt pick on a certain age......

so, getting diagnosed, john said he would always be here for me, and we would fight it out together... we did.. but wow it was hard...

surviving cancer is one thing, but surviving cancer and a relationship is another thing all together.. 

everyone knows cancer is an emotional time, from the day of getting diagnosed, you are scared, but an over whelming urge to stay positive, to not fall apart, to not show loved ones how much this is hurting me. so i keep smiling,i keep fighting this disease. hiding the tears, and the pain i was in, to go up and down the stairs id cry all the way up. the only time i could cry was when i was in the shower, or when i was going to sleep..

i didnt wanna show pain, or anything else. because i didnt want to hurt the ones i loved and cared about, as i could see how gutted they were for me...  

the days id sit and think, will this cancer kill me? what do i do? how do i go on with a normal relationship, i went through a temporary menopause at just 19/20 to protect my ovaries, for a hope of a future, as i had no time to save eggs... i lost all my hair, my confidence, how was i ever going to be good enough for john? 

so what did i do... i pushed him away, so far away  that we are now just holding on by the tip of our fingers, what i want more than anything is to be close again, to be in his arms, and feel loved, warm and secure...to be held tight and for him to tell me he loves me...

and more than anything i want to be told cancer is NEVER going to come back in my life again...doctors have said theres a very small chance of it ever happening, but you cant help but worry with every pain you get,anything small and it sends me into a panic.. 

but, back to me and john... all through treatment, we would have one good week one bad week, because on the bad week, i wouldnt want to do anything, id feel that sick, and achey and horrid, i just wanted bed... on the good week, id have little energy, so wed go out for a meal, or a small walk around the shops... slowly we stopped showing affection for one another, there was no sparkle in the eyes, no magic in the bedroom, nothing...not easy when your having hot flushes, and feeling like your body is 40 years older than what its supposed to be...

so, getting into remission, wow, a great time, so many happy faces, a big sigh of relief, but still, me and john are struggling, we sit in silence most nights, il be on the laptop, john on his playstation... or if we do sit together, watchin a film, it still dont feel right.

i want the old nights back, the cuddley nights, i want the playfulness that we used to have back, the times where we would chase each other round the house, laughing, smiling... but now, id be lucky if i could run up and down the stairs without having to sit down and be out of breath..i want the look off him where i can see it in his eyes and smile saying just how much he loves me!!  weekends are good, we will go out, or go away and do things together, we will smile, and laugh and forget about how things are at home, but then we get home, and its the same miserable life again. 

how do i make things right? how can i get back what we used to be? i love john to bits, and i wished that i never had cancer, i wished that it never made us how we are now.. i wished that id not pushed him away.

am i the only one going through this? 

id be gutted if me and john split after all we have been through... but then i dont wanna have it end up us hating each other 2... cuz that would be unfair....

arghhhhh what do i do?????? i know its only me that can decide, i no its only me and john that can sort it, but i just dont know how!!! ive tried talking to him loads, but we just bottle up, more me than anything =(

  • FormerMember

    oh emz, im sat here in tears , youve both been through so much , its going to take time to get through this ,and to feel *normal* again , i know more than anyone how cancer can rip you apart but you will get their,

    i know from meeting you just how much john loves you and you him , i could see it in both your eyes ,

    you really need to try to talk to each other , if its too hard try writing each other notes or letters ,me and ju did that as was too painful to talk,

    i wish i had some words of wisdom ,but i think all you need is time ,

    always here for you , huge hugs jenni xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Emziee, I too have no words of wisdom to tell you and I wish I knew the answer to your questions, I think Jenni has it right , try talking about when you first met etc and the joy you both felt falling in love. If talking really is to hard then write to him and tell him what you are really feeling. There are so many people on this site that want to give you a big hug and wipe away the tears, I for one so I am holding you tight sending love.

    You are such a brave young lady who is handling this dreadful disease with great strength, trying to keep all the pain and fears to yourself because you don't want to upset anyone, but you are not alone we are always here for you to share the good with the bad.

    Why don't you try going out on a date with John something you did when you first met maybe.

    I'm sorry my love I wish I could do more.

    Take care. Vee. xx

  • FormerMember

    i hope with all my heart that you and john can get back to what you had and not let the bloody disease take any more from you ,sometimes is easier to write down all our feeling as you have just done maybe a letter to john would be good idea , some young men would have ran for the hills at the start or when you started to push him away and yet he is still with you that should show the love he has for you

    take care and lots of love and hugs . jackie

  • FormerMember

    Aw Em

    For such a young lady you have a very wise head o your shoulders.  Why don't yoi show John the blog yoiu have written, it seems to me that you have both bottled up all your feelings, and many men would have run a mile at such a yoiung age being faced with what yoiu both have been through, he seems like a deacent man and he is still with you, that says a lot.

    good Luck

    XX Jo Mac

  • FormerMember

    Hi Em,

    What can anyone say. But your right it will be up to you both to sit down some evening and have along straight talk,as to how you both feel.

    You are going to have to be truthful with eachother as to how you both feel. Tell John how much you love him and how this Cancer is affecting your relationship. How you miss the hugs and cuddles

    and Im sure he feels the same way.  This is something that you both will have to come to terms with if you want the relationship to continue.

    All the best to you Both.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx