A Poem on bereavement purely from my perspective.

1 minute read time.

My Philosophy

When you feel sad and dying inside,

those tears of sorrow, you feel you must hide.

But let them flow, in that most private place

Where no one else sees the stains on your face.

When you think of loved ones who have sadly passed.

Happy days, that were never to last.

As the years pass by and you slowly progress,

That aching pain, will hurt a little less.

Cherished memories stay with you for ever.

The close bond that you had will not sever.

Those precious ties, live on in your heart

Even death, will not keep you apart.

Enjoy the life, that they'd wish for you.

Learn from your mistakes, we all make a few!

One life is all we have, I truly believe.

Live, love and be kind, before we all leave.
