Mental illness is making me crazy!

  • Where can you run when theres nowhere to hide

    I awake with anxiety, I can't control it, it controls me; often I'm disappointed that I'm awake, because, I have a far better time whilst I'm asleep. Awake, I have to acknowledge all my fears, doubts & worries & I spend the day trying to run away from them but they are running with me.

    You can't run from your problems when your problems are you!

    Physical & mental illnesses challenge you constantly…

  • Kick me when I'm down

    When you are down & feeling low, your feelings can become extra sensitive. Your emotional senses are heightened & you can feel deeply hurt by what others may view as something very trivial. A single comment that may not have bothered you before may now feel like a huge personal attack. There are some horrid, insensitive people out there who can be downright nasty, but even the 'good' people can hurt your feelings without…

  • Lack of NHS mental health care

    I write this with genuine empathy for those of you who may need support with your mental health but have no access to it or find yourselves on an extensive NHS waiting list. I'm no expert but have been in the system for most of my life; by in the system, I mean, that for the majority of my life I have had mental health issues, so have been 'treated' by the NHS mental health services & know how difficult it can be just…

  • The ungrateful cat

    I'm an animal lover & Iive with a cat; she was a scrawny undernourished little ball of fur, living rough on the streets when I took her in & then I became her personal slave.

    After several years of spitting, hissing, biting & hiding she has finally decided that I'm not that bad for a human, but grateful, she's not.

    I'm used to cuddly cats, the type that run to greet you, snuggle with you by the…

  • Stop the world, I want to get off

    I lay in my bed alone in the dark curled into a ball & sobbed.

    The fear, anxiety, stress & dread was so intense that no morphine equivalent would ease the pain. Every past hurt, loss, heartache & painfull experience came back to haunt me that night. I begged over & over 'please make this stop'. I was drowning in my own despair & had no buoyancy to help me. That night I would have gratefully left this world because…