The distressed wreck on the floor

Less than one minute read time.

It's hard to describe what ran through my head the day of diagnosis but it was a mixture of shock, anxiety, disbelief, anger, fear, helplessness, loneliness, devastation & dread.

The distressed wreck on the floor was me & I didn't know how to begin to cope.

Overwhelmed is an understatement & I remember thinking how unfair life felt, you see I've never been fortunate enough to have had good health & have battled mental illness for most of it, I have always worked hard to pay my way in life but don't have the luxury of savings, I've lost many close loved ones through death so don't have a vast network of support; I'm a caring, empathic person who often helps  others before myself, so why wouldn't the universe give me a break instead of throwing something else at me.

Oh & did I mention my dog died!

Would make a great country song wouldn't it?

My beautiful furry companion of 11 years had left me; I was, & still am, more than broken.

  • <p>Felicity72 Hi&nbsp; lovely message thank you. Here any time if you want to chat.</p> <p>I know my blog posts may seem awfully depressing but I am trying to share parts of myself at my worst, because if others can relate in anyway, then it may comfort them to know that they are not alone when they too experience very dark days. Will try to occasionally add some humour because laughing at this life is sometimes the most uplifting we can do.&nbsp;</p> <p>Sending you a virtual hug</p>