Today's been a good day

2 minute read time.

Monday 13th June 2011

Woke up this morning feeling as if I hadn't been to sleep at all.  I'm finding it very hard to wind down with all the toing and froing to the hospital.

My lovely granddaughter stayed with me last night and I started the day by driving her to her friend's for a lift to college at 8.15.  Then John's daughter phoned and we arranged to meet at the hospital at 12pm in the hope of seeing a doctor to find out exactly what is going on.

I arrived early so I collected a coffee from the WRVS cafe, took it outside and sat in the sunshine reading (Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier in case you're wondering).  That 20 minutes was the most relaxing time I'd had since Thursday morning and really refreshed me.

Jo and I had lunch in the hospital restaurant and eventually got in to see John and to find him looking heaps better despite feeling nauseous and in some pain.  Then a nurse told us that he is free from infection and we didn't have to put on those horrible plastic aprons and gloves or wash our hands everyt time we touched him - hooray!

Doctor came and told us that they'd ruled out any infection but were trying to determine what had caused the runs and why he was in pain and feeling sick.  They are going to liaise with the oncology department and let us know what they wanted to do but it looks like he may be home in a day or two.  We have the numbers of the palliative care team (which is linked to MacMillan) so that we can be all geared up when he's finally discharged.  Boy am I going to spoil him!!!!!!!!

We were allowed to take him out of the ward so Jo grabbed a hospital wheelchair and we wheeled him down to the lake in the hospital grounds where we watched the ducks and ducklings and the swans and cygnets in the sunshine.  Glorious and so heartwarming to see him sitting there so happy and relaxed and pleased to be out in the fresh air.

So, today's been a good day and I'm feeling much more relaxed about things.  I know we have a long way to go and there may be some bad days to come but today has made me feel so happy.

Madge x x x x x x x
