The freezer's full again - just when I'd got it under control!

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Tuesday 8th June 2010

John felt better today and offered to go shopping for some things I forgot to buy yesterday.  I carefully wrote him out a shopping list and off he went. 

John LOVES shopping and, even though he's not eating as much as he used to, he just cannot resist a bargain.  When he was well, our freezer was always crammed to bursting.  Since he's been poorly and not up to shopping much, I've been running the freezer down so that I could actually see what's inside.  Not any more!

He came back beaming all over his face with lots of freezer stuff so we should be quite alright for food for several weeks now.  It's like going on a Polar expedition opening that freezer!

Joking aside, it did my heart good to see the old John back again.  He can go shopping any time he likes if it makes him happy.  We'll just have to buy a new freezer and keep it in the shed. :0)

  • FormerMember

    our freezer is huge and the only place we have room for it is in the shedand you've guessed it it is jam packed full. I use it on my off days so I don't have to shop. Hope the good days continue...Fran

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,

    Its good to hear that John is feeling better,but to get a man who likes shopping now thats is something special.

    Thats where Im lucky when Mrs S asks want I want for tea dinner or supper, it dosnt matter as I cant taste the food any way.So she gets the breaks

    I have a taster at hand just in case. You Just never know.!!!!!!!!!!!. Im only Joking Angie I know you wouldnt do anything nasty. Or would you.?????

    Take care and be safe Big HUgs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    So pleased to hear that John has felt more like his old self today.  Fantastic news!  Hope to speak later.  Love to you both.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    oh madge how youve made me smile :), sound so familiar , big squeeze to you both xxxxx

    ps i did buy a freezer to put in garage lol x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge since my hubby has been in charge of the food two freezers are full but when it's dinner-time he says we've nothing to eat. LOL. Typical and I'm the the one whose lost their appetite.

    All the best to you both.
