testing, testing

Less than one minute read time.

This is my first attempt at a blog!  Just testing to see if I've done it right!

  • FormerMember

    lol, just like me ,,, yes madge you have xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madmadge.

    You are right on the spot.We all hope your time on here sometimes good, sometimes bad, more good than bad. I like to think of this site as the site of the Beautiful people.Welcome.

    Take care and be safe Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    5th April 2010

    Now I've started this blog, I'm not really sure what to write! :0)  

    I've never had anything to do with them before but, from what I understand, it is a way to keep a diary of what's happening in your life.

    I'm 62 and my beloved partner John is 66.  We've been together for nearly 16 years.

    Like many of you on this site, our world was turned upside down recently when John was diagnosed with inoperable cancer of the stomach, oesophagus, duodenum and liver.  

    At first we were simply stunned and, since then, we've been through any number of emotions - anger, disbelief, confusion and, most of all, sadness that we won't be enjoying the retirement we'd both been looking forward to so much.

    This site has helped a lot because it's made me realise that we are not alone and I've had so much help, support and advice in the short time since I discovered it.

    From reading about the experiences of others, I have come to realise that when you are affected by this awful disease you should make the most of the good times and that's what I've been trying to do.  They might be few and far between, I realise that, but I shall cherish each and every one.

    We are looking upon this coming week as the beginning of a journey in our battle against Cancer.  John has his pre-chemo tests tomorrow and begins his first session of chemo on Friday.  I'm not going to let him give up without a fight and I'll be by his side through thick and thin.  He's the most important thing in my life and I love him to bits.

    Before this happened, we used to tell each other "I love you" at least once a day.  Now I'm going to tell him at least a dozen times a day how much I love him.

    Sorry to ramble on, but it does help to put my thoughts down here and I know I'm amongst friends.  

  • FormerMember

    welcome ... you`ve done it right

    liz xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,

    Its me again. I found your blog most interesting.

    You Both Have what it takes to beat this disease.

    Love,Understanding, Strength and most important of all The will to fight. Tell him two dozen times a day that you Love and Care for him.

    The hard work starts now. You both will have your ups and downs,thats when you will need eachother most. Good Luck. Have a look at my Bio it makes interesting reading.

    All the best to you both you CAN do it.

    Love and strength Sarsfield.xx