John still in hospital

2 minute read time.

Sunday, 12th June 2011

Forgive me if this doesn't make much sense but I'm sooooooo tired!

Just come back from the hospital - I seem to have been virtually living there for the past few days.  John is a lot better than when he first went in but having a few ups and downs.

He's been receiving fluids through an IV since he was first admitted but it wasn't working too well so they took the canula out and have been attempting to insert another - easier said than done.  His poor old veins have just about had enough and they couldn't find a suitable one despite three different people trying today.  I think they may consider putting a line in tomorrow.

Sickness and diarrhoea continues but not as bad.  He's also in a lot of pain in spite of the slow release morphine tablets.  I asked tonight if he could have a top up of Oxynorm and they confirmed that he was written up for it and would give him some.

I've been managing to visit him all times of the day but I think they may be a little more strict tomorrow so will stay away untll 2pm.  Hoping to have more news of the scan results soon because we still don't know what's going on with the cancer.  John is a bit 'out of it' but seems to think that the consultant mentioned the possibility of having more chemo.  Trouble is, the consultant picked the worst possible time to pop in to see him.  He was sitting on the commode having a bout of the runs and the male nurse had managed to kick his line out so there was blood everywhere. 

Still having family problems.  John's eldest daughter is trying to take over even though she's not been much support over the past months.  She's questioning the fact that I am down as next of kin and thinks her brother, who hasn't visited John for over a year until now, should be his next of kin.  I soon put her right.  I am his long term partner and carer and in the eyes of the law I am his next of kin.  We really don't need this hassle while he's in hospital.

His youngest daughter is very upset about all this as she has been the most supportive of all his children.  She's even taking time off work to be with him (compassionate leave) and helping out tremendously.  My own children have been wonderful and my 17 year old granddaughter.  She's staying with me tonight in case I'm lonely.  Bless!  All my family think the world of John and have been feeding me and offering help.  It's so good to know I can turn to them.  Even the neighbours have offered help and my best friend is looking after our little dog while I trek backwards and forwards to the hospital.

Well, I think that's all for now but my brain is a bit scrambled so I might have missed a bit out.

Madge x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    dear madge

    what a weekend you have all had. just a little message to let you know i am thinking of you all and sending hugs to you

    wendie x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,Thank god they are sorting John out about time too,he is in the best place for now,he will soon be up and about im sure, and without the pain he was in.Have a good nights rest you deserve it,thinking of you both,Hugs Chris.xx P.S.our grandson staying with me tonight ,Pete been in bed most of the day.x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,

    I hope you get a good nights sleep,and less hassle frrom some of Johns family.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Glad you put the eldet daughter right - you could do without this hassle as well.

    Lots and lots of love, hugs, best wishes and strength


  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge.  I'm glad they're trying to get John sorted out, not before time!  I'm praying that you got some sleep last night and that John is feeling a bit better today.  Lots of love and hugs to you both.  Caroline XX