John MIGHT be coming home! But I'm scared!

2 minute read time.

John had a really good day yesterday.  He was pain and nausea free for the first time. 

They've applied a patch behind his ear which seems to be controlling the nausea (fingers crossed).  I can't remember the name of the patch but it controls motion sickness and, since he feels nauseous every time he changes position or moves, it sounds absolutely perfect for him.  It is changed every three days so much better than filling him up with drugs from a driver or with pills!  Hope it carries on working.

They've upped his Oxycontin slow release tablets to 250mg twice a day.  They seem to be controlling the pain but they're making him very twitchy and confused at times.  He keeps mumbling nonsense and seeing things that aren't there but it doesn't seem to be distressing him too much.

Yesterday they did a standing and lying blood pressure test and also a walking test, with two sticks.  He's very frail and wobbly but still determined to walk when he can.  There was talk of letting him home but I haven't seen a doctor yet (hope to see one today at 11.30) so that's not been confirmed.

Trouble is, we live in an upstairs flat and I'm worried about him getting confused and walking across the landing to the bathroom and falling down the stairs.  His daughter's boyfriend has promised to rig something up that slots in and out when we want to go downstairs but that hasn't materialised yet.  I'm also worried about him feeling trapped and isolated.  Our stairs are very steep and it would be a nightmare getting him up and down them in the state he's in.

Much as I want him home, at least while he's in the Mac Unit we can wheel him outside into their beautiful garden when it's fine.  I'm able to take Gemma to see him and she's wild with joy every time we go then really down in the dumps when we go home without him.  Luckily I have a wonderful neighbour over the road who takes care of her when I'm at the Unit with John and doesn't mind how long I stay.  Oh, and one of my neighbours mowed my lawn while I was out one day!  People are so kind.

I'm feeling really tired.  Been spending long hours with John because I don't want to leave him.  Then, when I get home, I can't relax and find myself pottering about - I was ironing at 11 o'clock last night!  I do doze while I'm sitting beside John (and so does Gemma) but it's not quite the same.  I've lost my appetite too which is not a bad thing.  I could do with losing some weight. :0)

So, we shall see what transpires today.  He did phone me today to ask me to bring in a new toothbrush (he's lost his) and to remind me about putting out the rubbish.  Just to hear him talk lucidly about ordinary every day things filled me with joy.

Hope all this makes sense but I wanted to update all my lovely friends.  Please forgive me if I'm not replying to your messages but please be assured that I do read them and appreciate them very much.

Love (as always) and TONS of hugs, Madge x x x x x x
