I really put my foot in it tonight!

1 minute read time.

Saturday 19th June 2010

John's son has only been to see him once since he was diagnosed with cancer and, it being Father's Day tomorrow, I was turning this over in my mind while I was doing the washing up after dinner.

I said to John "I wonder if S****** will come to see you tomorrow."  He replied that he was very doubtful whether he would and that he probably would never see him again.  This made me so angry that I said something that I now regret.

John and I aren't married although we've been together for a long time.  We own property together and have written Wills.  We both made a promise to each other that we would change our respective Wills to leave any benefits to be divided between all our children when we're both gone - we have three children each.

Well, tonight I told John that I would not include S****** in my Will because of how shabbily he has treated John when he needs all the support he can get. 

John flew off the handle and we did have a big argument about it so the atmosphere is a bit chilly tonight.

Any way, the upshot is that I've promised that I will include his son in my Will if those are John's wishes.

 Oh how I wish I 'd never said anything in the first place.  :0(
