How much more can he take?

1 minute read time.

Sorry to be so full of doom and gloom, AGAIN.  Believe me I would be much happier posting good news but it just seems to be getting worse and worse.

John is having so much pain and sickness this morning that he's absolutely exhausted.  The Mac Nurse came yesterday and upped his pain meds, yet again!  He's now on 60mg Oxycontin twice daily, paracetamol and 1.5ml of the higher strength Oxynorm when required.  He's taken everything he can possibly take this morning and there's still no improvement.  I'll give it another half hour and then phone the out of hours nurse to give him some injections.

While the Mac Nurse was here, I queried what was actually causing him so much pain as the Oncologist doesn't seem to think it was the cancer.  She said that it sounds as if it's 'capsule' pain from the liver expanding due to the tumours, i.e the liver is surrounded by a capsule which doesn't stretch when the liver is inflamed.  (That's how I understood it, any way.)  Whatever it is, it's breaking my heart to see him suffering so much.

Not much more I can say really.  We are expecting his daughter, granddaughter and  his brother and sister-in-law today but I will have to be firm with them and tell them to leave if it's too much for him.  I know they mean well and John loves to see them but he makes so much effort to appear 'normal' that it takes him a couple of hours to recover.

Doesn't look like we'll make it out of the flat today.  I'll have to take Gemma out at some point but she misses him so much.  I have to keep her on the lead, otherwise she keeps running back to the car to find him, convinced that he should be out with us.  So we're all suffering in one way or another.

Once again, sorry for this miserable post and I hope life is treating you better than it is us at the moment.

Love to you all, Madge x x x x x x

  • FormerMember


    I have a question, how did he get on with the Dex (steriods) and what dosage was he on?

    I wonder if he couldn't have had a slightly higher dose, I know the doctors aren't too keen to prescribe them especially for longperiods - but I have persuaded our GP that he needs them in order for me to cope.

    Their main concern is the long term effects, and after you have been on 8mg for a while it can cause some swelling of the face, my answer to this was - I would rather have some swelling than David unable to function because of the headache.

    Thinking of you at this time.


  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry things are so bad for you both at the moment. I really wish it were different. When Adrian was ill we put out a regular bulletin letter to let people know what was going on (mainly to stop the ENDLESS phone calls and texts, it was lovely of everyone to care but answering the same question 40 times a day got too much) and in that we put in things we wanted people to know, stuff like 'it's lovely to see you all but could you please limit visits to a couple of hours and make sure you've left by 9pm as Adrian gets very tired'. People were very good about sticking to it as well. Poor Gemma probably knows something is wrong and is responding to that, my dog Geoffrey did. I hope John is feeling a bit better today and that the pain is being brought under control,

    Thinking of you both, Vikki xxx