Home at last, where he belongs!

3 minute read time.

Haven't had time to draw breath, let alone write a blog post, but I thought it was time I did.

John came home yesterday but it was touch and go whether he would.  He woke up yesterday morning with a swollen leg and the Consultant suspects a blood clot.  She's put him back on Clexane for the time being but there are fors and againsts about that.  Clexane thins the blood and can be a bad thing, considering John's liver has tumours - it might cause a bleed.  If he doesn't have the drug, however, the clot could break up and a piece might lodge elsewhere in the body.  Ho hum.  It never rains, but it pours.

Any way, the upshot was that they allowed him home but only by ambulance as there are 14 stairs to our flat.  John was so excited about coming home that he didn't rest as he normally does and stayed awake all morning. The ambulance arrived at 3pm and he was home by 3.30pm togethe with a shedload of drugs. 

I settled him down in bed because he was exhausted and spent most of the evening typing up a chart so that I can adminster the drugs correctly.  Tried to wake him now and then but he was out for the count and would not be roused.  My granddaughter stayed the night and she is a little star.  She's nearly 18 and tried to help me wake him, but to no avail.  Even our little dog, Gemma, couldn't wake him by licking him and nuzzling his face.

Eventually he woke up at 10.30pm and I managed to get some drugs inside him and a bit of chicken soup.  He was very confused and fought me all the way but I did wrestle him into his PJs and got him settled down again.  He slept all night.  Unlike me - I tossed and turned for hours and I couldn't even go into the lounge because my granddaughter was sleeping on the sofa bed.

This morning was hectic.  Getting my head around all the drugs, feeding him, dressing him, usual household chores, etc, etc.  Then everyone started arriving - care nurses, district nurses, occupational therapist - and the phone never stopped ringing.  My head was spinning.  John's daughter came at 11am armed with a fish pie which we're having for tea tonight, if he wakes up for it.  As I type he's curled up on the bed with Gemma by his side watching over him.

Managed a little walk with Gemma this afternoon while Jo (John's daughter) sat with him.  It was wonderful.  We went to the beach and she chased her ball.  Then I sat for a few minutes and read my book while she lay in the shade of a handy rock.  We popped into the beach cafe to say hello to our friends.  Gemma's best friend is a big bassett hound named Huckleberry and they adore each other.  They had such a touching reunion and Huckleberry (Huck) gave me a big slobbery kiss.  Gemma had a drink of water and a gravy bone and I had a latte and an apple slice - naughty but nice.

So here I am back home with a bit of time to myself - bliss!  I've just peeped into the bedroom and John and Gemma are both snoring gently.

Thank you all for your lovely personal messages.  I haven't had time to reply to them all but I really do appreciate them.  Just know that I love you all and I hope everything is ok with you. 

Take care.

Lots of love and *hugs*, Madge x x x x x x
