Here we go again!

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Friday 7th January 2011

After such wonderful news last July and a period when John began to recover, we had the worst news possible last Thursday.  The cancer has come back.

He was beginning to feel really under the weather with pain and bloating which got steadily worse so we phoned the hospital to ask what we should do.  The trials nurse spoke to him and arranged for blood tests and a scan and a follow-up appointment with his Consultant..  I was trying to tell myself that his symptoms were down to the daily Clexane injections and couldn't believe that the cancer would come back so quickly, but it wasn't to be.

The scan revealed that the tumour had returned, plus the spots on his liver that had been there before, and that he would need more chemotherapy.  We were both absolutely stunned by this news, as you can imagine.  All I could think was - here we go again!

The chemo will be different this time and there will be no trial drug involved.  I didn't actually catch the name of the drug they will be using because my brain shut down for a while but it will be as before, 8 courses of chemo which will include three weekly infusions and pills in between.  The Consultant said that the type they would be using would no be so debilitating as the one used previously because they don't think John is strong enough.  But I couldn't help wondering whether this means it is less effective and will it all be worth it?

Nevertheless, John agreed to go ahead and treatment begns on 25th January.

Meanwhile, he's feeling more and more under the weather and spends a lot of time lying on the sofa and worrying about all his symptoms.  We have a doctor's appointment this evening so I'm hoping they will be able to prescribe something to help him.

So it wasn't a very happy new year for us because this year looks as if it's going to be much the same as the last one - absolutely c**p!

What has he done to deserve this?

  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry Madge to hear your bad news. We were all so very happy for you last year.

    I hope that this next lot of treatment is kinder to John and finishes the nasty off.

    I wish you both love and strength.

    All the best Love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry Madge to hear your bad news. We were all so very happy for you last year.

    I hope that this next lot of treatment is kinder to John and finishes the nasty off.

    I wish you both love and strength.

    All the best Love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,

    I am so sorry to hear that the bloody thing has come back. I send you my strength support and caring. All the best for the 25th and I hope the treatment works this time. Regards to John stay strong.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge

    long time no see, sorry to hear your news. Try to stay strong and I know you'll support in just the same way as before. You know where we all our if you need us

    Love and hugs to you both

    Maxine xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Madge, Sorry to read about John's news, it must be very worrying for you both. Hopefully the treatment will be effective without having to be so severe as to knock John sideways. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.


    Charles xx