At last they're sitting up and taking notice!

1 minute read time.

Wednedsday 8th June, 2011

The District Nurse phoned out of the blue, even though the doctor came yesterday, and asked if it was convenient to call.  Of COURSE it was!  She took John's blood pressure and also some bloods which will be required for tomorrow's appointment with oncology.  However, she said that he need not attend if he's worried about feeling ill and can request that the results of the scan be sent to his own doctor.  She's coming back this afternoon to give him an anti-sickness injection and again later tonight because he's still retching, despite the new drugs.

I had to pop out this morning and his daughter stayed with him for a while but she told me privately that she needed to talk to me.  So we arranged to meet for a quick coffee and had a heart to heart which inevitably ended up in lots of tears.  She cares so much for him and can't imagine her life without him.  She also said she wants desperately to support us both and I said I was very grateful.  She wants to discuss his 'last wishes' with him but I said I'm not ready to do that yet, not until we know the whole truth.

Then the MacMillan Hospital phoned and we have an appointment to see them on Friday to discuss things.  So relieved. 

John will decide later today whether we will go to the hospital tomorrow - it all depends whether the injections work. 

My head's spinning now with all this long overdue attention but at least I know that we will be supported.

