Happy Birthday To My Prostate Tumours

2 minute read time.

Well Looks Like it’s that time of year, the Anniversary, and not one bloody card lol. Mind you. I  only realised today myself, so it’s a bit hard to critisise anyone, but hell a bottle would of been welcome lol, used to get them every couple of hours in hospital.

 Well will have to update my Bio I suppose, 3 1/2 years since the 'Black Day' - when I was told 'You have inoperable Prostate cancer' - not exactly what I expected. Been treated for 8 years for enlarged prostate, even had a bio that was clear 7 years before so a bit harsh  hearing - its spread to the lymph system, Rt and Chemo are not options, if only it was a bit earlier - lol. Come on regrets don't change facts.

 So I got my revenge, had a heart attack 6 days before surgery date, that will teach them huh. So Surgery October 2008, and escaped, mean discharged about 22nd - hey it was The Royal at Oldham, the treatment was great, as was the food, ok same as others - only soup and cereals for a few days post surgery, and in real discomfort as only men can experience - lol Only time I have been allowed to carry a  hand bag without ribald comments, had that with the cafeter for about 4 days.

 The heart attack meant I got the delux treatment ! ICU for 48 hours, now there I was pampered, my own nurse even!. Suddenly felt cold and not too good, assure you no bright lights or being called. but came round to random questions, like Dob, what day is it, what’s your Wife’s name, what her birthday - actually wondered if she was checking up on me - but ok with it, must of passed.

 So opened me up, left the prostate there, bio'ed some lymph glands and had a general rummage and discarded some bits and pieces, still not sure what they all were, said I could manage without, not sure but why argue with the experts ? I was Started on hormone treatment, some pre-treatment, to stop tumour flare.

 Did great until Jan this year - 2011, Blood indicator (PSA) climbing, figures not too important - its all down to trends, mine was doubling every 6 months. So discussion and agreed to be micro waved at 'Christies at Oldham', 16 sessions. That was 6 months ago, Side effects were minimal and got my results last week, over 6 months indicator has gone from 4.35 to 0.9 to 0.7 So trend is great.

Have kept me on the 3 Monthly Hormone injections for a further 18 months, 24 months post treatment, so still have an excuse not to loose weight - Life is good huh ? Pass me a cream cake please, its the hormones mate x

Maybe best news, been banished, told not to darken their doorsteps for 12 months !! Means either they are happy with my progress or I am just an ugly bugger and they have a low ugly mug thresh hold. Hope its the first !!

 Take Care Guys

 Love and Hugs to all who want or need them XX

 John xx



  • FormerMember

    cant let the welsh do it all, more Devonian hugs for you xxxx

  • FormerMember

    enjoy!!    good news indeed. xx

  • FormerMember

    Great results, John ......... well done ! Twelve months now - they will be sacking you before too long. Enjoy the cake and your favourite alcoholic beverage ........ have a Guinness on me !

    Love and hugs, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Well Thanks Guys,

    So ta to Paddyman, right he is welsh, should of guessed, paddy is confused, Paddy Welsh ok, Feel a bit easier, Cariad9, and Tony Thomas, a ring of truth there and can even see them in the Choir, being lead by Sir Harry Secombe. Sorry emotions taken over, about to brake into a quick verse of Men Of Harlick, was even looking for spears, hell that Cider was stronger than I realised.

    Bloody hell ! the Devoinan contingent Ta Nic Now they are English er Olde English oops

    So Got the Irish on board too, Ta Allison, with Mickey and Janice, ta, err put two tics in the English column, ok Connell could be Irish too

    Ta Little M, more welsh - get the feeling they are taking over. Could make the evening news though, Troll drowned on farm ?? well its original !

    Hell another Devonian - Hi Chrisie, Ok You and are also in the Olde English Column

    Joycee, fellow Mancunian, well almost – lol – ta

    Thank You all for your wishes, do love them all but - lost for words Susanmw, not bothered where you are from, fantastic cake, best bit - no fire risk, no candles. As long as Susan is Good - hope you all have a slice, after I nick the biggest one - ta for the good wishes and the cake 

    Love and Hugs to all XX

    John XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi John,

    Great news after all the "heart ache" you've been through, a 12 month break wow!

    Best wishes for ongoing positive trends.

    Tight Lines
