Learning Lines

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Well, this is my first attempt at writing a blog,

On the 3rd may this year, my darling husband Jack who was 61 yrs old died, from Pancreatic Cancer, he was diagnosed with it in late January, early February. he was told he possibly had 6 to 12 months, more if he had Chemo, but as you can see, it was only just 3 months, and only 1 course of chemo. the tumour, we were told was 4cm x 7cm in size.

On my 50th birthday in April, Jack, Rachel & David bought me a Notebook and nice pen, so I could record all the things that mattered and so the children and their families could write and draw pictures in it. We didn't celebrate my birthday, how could we, but instead, we had a family holiday, we rented a house in Devon, that had enough room for 18 people, 13 adults and 5 children, Jack slept a lot, but we were all together and that is what mattered, on the last evening, we spent an hour taking photos, with Jack in each one, and at the end the Cameras were put on timers and we all sat together for the last time. 9 days after that Jack died, at home. But more about that next time.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Laine

    Believe me I know how hard this time is for you and no words I say can take away the pain that is in your heart. Your loss just like mine is so hard to bear, yet we must try to somehow keep on the path of life and cherish the vivid memories of our dear ones deep in the heart. My Val and I also took a break to Spain just before she passed away and like you I am so glad we had that special time together. It will always be a memory I will hold very dear.

    Loosing 2 dear ones over such a short space of time, is so sad and my heart goes out to you and your family at this time. I am sure like me you will not want to remember 2010.

    I am sure all the members here will try to help you through this very tough period, so do keep in touch, as only by expressing your feelings here can we all learn to deal with this tragic and painful loss in our lives.

    Take care and God be with you !

    Ian x

  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry for your loss. I too unfortunately know all too well how it feels. He was only 39 and I am 32 he died extremely quickly following diagnosis because of a bowel perforation. People here know our pain and understand so keep blogging I have found it helpful.


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