Living with Melanoma - An Ongoing Journey

  • Belief and Recovery from Lymph Node Block Dissection

    Right here right now I’m feeling quite mellow, let’s say cautiously positive, things could be heading in the right direction, maybe for the first time since my journey with melanoma began. I hesitate to be overly positive as we all know how cancer has a habit of not conforming

    I’m receiving immunotherapy treatment on a 28 day cycle of Nivolumab infusions and have the second one coming up this week. I previously…

  • Fit to fight the battle

    Physical health and mental attitude can be your strongest weapons in the fightback against cancer. This is a story of how diet and personal fitness can help you make a good recovery from surgery and respond better to immunotherapy. It's from my own personal experience, which I'd like to share to encourage others, and it would be great to hear of others experiences too.

    From November 2017 to March 2018 I had three…

  • What Now? Life Is What You Make It

    The last blog post I wrote made me think further about living well in the face of living with cancer, and transitioning into feeling positive intuitively.

    I was thinking that living with cancer is amongst other things a time of living with both reflections and actions. Looking backwards can be a little dangerous and frustrating, because that old question “what if” can’t be answered. I think everyone with,…

  • Encouraging a Sense of Perspective to Help Living with Cancer

    One of the aspects of living with cancer is the sense of perspective it gives us. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. By that I mean it causes us to re-evaluate what we’re doing. To pause, reflect and check. We can call it the value of Acceptance and Letting Go.

    We need to let go of some things and to encourage others. Ideally it wouldn’t be cancer that is the stimulus, but it is in my case, and I’m sure in…

  • Focus on what matters and persevere

    Don’t waste time!

    I’m sure we’re not consciously doing that but there’s a lot of life lessons from the Stoic philosophy of the ancient Greeks that I think we can apply just as much to a life being lived with a serious illness as one that’s illness free. It’s useless to wish things in the world were different, some things we can’t change, and that includes living with our fears…