Living Life Redefined

  • Never Give Up


    These two moments were all I could think of when my husband was fighting for his life in the ICU, just before our youngest daughter's wedding in September, 2009.  More detail about that is in my earlier blog from yesterday if you're curious.  But this morning as I kissed him good-bye, both of us just starting our day, I reminded myself of these two moments . . . two moments I didn't think were possible as I sat…

  • A glimpse of my life


    I'm so proud of my family.  My handsome husband to my right, our youngest daughter to my left with her husband standing behind her with that silly grin, our oldest daughter to my husband's right and our grandson standing in front of her.  This picture was taken this past January at my 60th birthday party.  These are the people in my life who keep me motivated and inspired to do good and be the best person I can be…

  • What Led Us To This Point


    Our story is a long one.  Unfortunately, many of us have much in common with each other in that regard, don’t we?  If you decide to read it, I hope you find ours informative.  We have learned far more from people who have/are enduring serious illness than, sometimes, from the health care professionals who often only offer text book definitions of symptoms and side effects.  I hope our story helps and informs anyone…