6 month scan [mCRC]

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since diagnosis in september 2012, it has now been 6 months of chemo and varying health for my partner george.  only now are we feeling like his abdominal pain can be managed effectively and the side effects from painkillers are reasonably ok - right now i feel as though we have reached a plateau and we are able to make plans.

as to making this blog something like a resource for others, i still dont think it can be done, but for all those late nights with no regrets i guess i need something to show...

i dont feel i have anything in particular to off-load...apart from maybe that late-nights arent as productive as i once thought they could be...

maybe this then....the uplifting blog-entry about staying in the light...[will find the link in a mo]


  • FormerMember

    we think of him like walking wounded nowadays xx :D 

    mesh for hernia repair, mesh for mCRC, ... back-pack with vital supplies


  • FormerMember

    We must live in the light

    Posted by scottiedog on 23 Apr 2013 8:59 PM

  • FormerMember

    ...now into fourth week since last review with oncologist - 

    dealing with issues arising from chemo+avastin

    has been replaced with dealing with issues arising from the surgical stent

    versus constipating and nauseating pain-killers 

    - emotional priorities surfacing, now that the bigger ethical decisions

    are on hold - george mentally worn, and physically challenged daily - 

    noticing changes in energy and tolerance levels - 

    perhaps he will fade then return, then fade then return...

  • Hi,

    Sounds like you are both going through the mill one way or another, having been in both situations myself of carer and now patient, i can say; i think that being the carer is more difficult of the two, (for me anyway) and that all you can do is be there, be strong, and do whatever you can to ease the situation, as a patient it is just so nice to know that there is someone there who cares, and can put up with the mood swings that we get mostly through the drugs we are taking, its not easy at times but i am sure you will cope with whatever comes along.

    All the best


  • FormerMember

    hya pauli - and thanks for your comment - i see it's coming up three years since your diagnosis - way to go.... 

    yes. you could say there's a bit of milling going on - but i'm not sure [for us at least] if it's any worse being the carer - george and i are different people, and you're different as well - personally i'm a bit of a cold fish when it comes to people looking after me, and i value my independence very highly - perhaps that's a fault.....

    george is just on the third day since starting a course of steroids [Dexamethasone] - day one was so-so, day two we really saw a benefit in terms of energy and 'lust for life,' but day three has been a hell of a come-down for him - hiccupping, nausea, weariness, tiredness - barely keeping small amounts of fluids down [plus his oral pain-killer medicines]..... character-wise, he's never really been what you might call robust - at least since i've known him anyways - personal trauma and strife in the past - so i don't know how he has coped with his cancer as well as he has.

    these days we are quite opportunistic and when he is struggling with something, my approach is to re-assure him that what he is going through can't last forever - try to remind him of the times he's been down before and come through the other side of it....

    i'm guessing you are back from your holiday in thailand by now....sorry - i hope this doens't sound like i am stalking you hahaha - how was it?
