kezzerbird's blog

  • Kezzerbird.... ready to raise hell!!!!!


    Just to let you all know that the bird has picked her self up, dusted herself off and is ready to raise hell about being messed around and not listened too for the second time around. I will get my 3rd chemo and they will give my the port I NEED to get the chemo into my body. If I have any c**p from the hospital, I shall go down there, strip naked infront of the main enterance, after calling the media, that is and then…

  • Kezzerbird...major humour failure


    The day before for PICC line, no go my veins are shot, recommendation, port in problem

    Yesterday hospital again to have blood taken, success on second attempt, saw the cancer nurse and that was like talking to a brick wall, told her my veins are buggered and asked about CT scan due after 3rd chemo, total blank! Asked about stomach swelling, again total blank, saw a girlie doctor who was…

  • Kezzerbird.......OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!!!


    No go with the PICC line, my veins are shot from 2 years ago. The nurse did her best with the only two veins I had left but could only get 20cm up, it was painful but she did her best bless her. She will refer me for a port instead. Hey ho! Carol x

  • Kezzerbird and the possible alien!


    It seems dear Mac mates that my treatment of Cisplatin and Etoposide are never used together in hospitals, WHY? Ummmm is my Onc experimenting on little ole moi to see what happens!!!!! The worst side effect so far seems to be that my stomach is swelling very badly and at times it feels like it is going to burst, I am expecting a strange alien like thingy to appear at any moment shouting "Gimme more Vinadoo!!!!! This combo…

  • Kezzerbird....I gently woke from slumber and!


    I was 3.40 in the morning, I gently woke from a peaceful slumber to the sounds of my cat purring on the bed beside me, I reached down to stroke it and suddenly realized I DON'T OWN A CAT!!!!!

    It was Henry, my faithful stoma bag, grumbling away working on that Vindaloo I had for my tea DOH!...............I went into hospital Friday night for treatment and even though I didn't get my needed PICC line, Terri who is the…