kezzerbird's blog

  • Kezzerbird.....another Christmas


    I put up my Christmas tree today and I am sitting here, just me and the crazy mutt Summit and it feels very odd because I am still here and I shouldn't be. I never expected to see Christmas 2008 and here the old Bird is, still giving it wellie and still causing havoc and still living with late stage Ovarian cancer and secondaries and beside some back pain, I am doing very well. I had a major blonde/chemo/morphine moment…

  • Kezzerbird..what NOT to get your grandkids He He!!!


    This did make me laugh today and it may do the same for you.. My daughter Toni turned up today with little Lyra and she bought me something. Tonis mother in law had come down to see them and when she does she brings loads of goodies for the kids, she doesn't see them very of the things was a small brightly coloured stuffed macaw, she had tried to get it to work because it was supposed to talk. but…

  • Kezzerbird.....shouldn't have said how well she WAS!!!


    Hello my lovelies out there in Macland. One should never count ones chickens or in my case parrots!!!!! After doing my late blog and saying how well I was, what happens 6 hours later!!!!!!! I get a UTI (urinary track infection) and what does it do, it gets into my kidneys!!! Now the bird is a tuff cooky but oh my word guys, I would rather have given birth to my 3 kids again because that wasn't that I…

  • Kezzerbird...Dying to live


    First of all thanks for the private messages, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, I just needed a break and needed time to sort my head  out after Kate died. I didn't go to Kates funeral, how could I say good bye to someone that I never had the chance to physically say hello to, face to face. Kate was an important part of my life, we shared the same cancer and the same prognosis and the same attitude to it…

  • tribute to a dear friend


    This is not my usual funny blog.

    I have just found out that my dear friend Kate 2003 died last night. I wanted to write a tribute to this wonderful caring lady who meant so much to myself and to others.

    I first came across Kate on the old 'What now' site, we were diagnosed one month apart with late stage Ovarian cancer, that was in 2008. We both had the same attitude towards the illness and that was to fight it and…