kezzerbird's blog

  • Kezzerbird....been behaving myself!!!!


    How lovely to see a pm from nutcracker today wondering if I am ok. Yes I am. One of my goals is to write a book on my C experience and it is bloody hard work you know!!!!! It is a compilation of emotions that cover the full spectrum, happiness, sadness, up and downs, some serious stuff and some very funny stuff too. I have to do this in stages because it can get to much at times and it reminds me of some things I would…

  • Kezzerbird and the clinic!!!!!


    Why they wanted to see me before me completing  the 3rd chemo out of this cycle was a mystery and it still is!!!! I caught a glimpse of my consultant while I was sitting in the waiting room and he just grinned at me but when I was called in I was seen by one of his baby doctors!!!!! This little chappie came into the room and nervously sat down opposite me, so me being me said to him 'Right, whatever Dr B has told you about…

  • Kezzerbird...a remarkable day


    I have had a wonderful day today, I have spent it with our Carolb who I got to know on the old What Now site, we met briefly in Leicester at the party. We have spent most of the day together, we went out for a meal and have just talked openly and honestly about our cancers and our experiences. Carol is a cancer survivor and a lovely caring down to earth lady, she arrived at my home with her Westie called Poppy, who I…

  • night out!!!!


    The Cornish mead wine went down a treat and the food wasn't bad either and then unlike our Debs, I went off to Asda for some bits and then home to change and stick my face on and then off out to the club before opening time to see my mates and have a chin wag before they started work for the night. No one looked happy to be there, blimey I would kill to be back there working but then again I love my job. I did however…

  • Kezzerbird....out tonight!!!!


    After yesterday with my son looking fed up because he has upset the tax man and my daughters phone call about a very sick chicken, I wondered over to the club to to my bosses, I have to get another sick cert which i don't really want to do, I would rather be back at my job but i have to be realalistic and know i can't do my job just yet, I am not fit enough yet and I still have 4 more chemos to go before I know if my…