What is wrong with some people!!

1 minute read time.

For those who know me, I am a fight-able but lovable old bat. I am reaching the 11th month into remission from,Ovarian, bowel, womb, stomach and ormental cancers and I went back to work in October last year as Internal head door supervisor after a year of hell and 10 months to recover, to get fit and strong again so that my work mates could feel that I was well enough to do my job again and resume working together again as a team................they have let me down completely and I am so angry at the moment.

I fought like a mad woman and almost lost my battle with cancer but luckily for me I came through, I struggled to get myself strong with the help of exercise and physio I got there and what do I find as happened, my so called work mates are not covering my butt, I struggled with a guy who tried to rip my head off and some of my doorman just stood there, nice, they seem to think that because I had had cancer and I am back that I can work alone, they have become lazy and I do my job right, I have had to tell them off for not doing their jobs and they don't like it, how sad is that. This is so childish  it is unreal. Yes I am a strong female and yes I am one of their bosses but they are threatened by me because I work well and I am popular. Sorry guys I just needed to get this off my chest, it is bad enough fighting cancer, I didn't expect to have to fight my friends also, well those who I thought were friends. They know my cancer could return at anytime but I have dented their male egos. Shame on me....love Carol xx 

  • FormerMember

    god as if you dont have enough problems with the drunk idiots at your club doors you have sober idiots to deal with too,kick ass girl xx

  • FormerMember


    Don't let the rats get you down. I suggest you call a meeting and, without getting angry, just tell them that however they were used to working whilst you were away, you are now back and things will be  done as they were before and if anyone feels their nose has been put out of joint they can speak to you in private. That you are all there to support each other when things get rough and standards appear to have slipped so they better tow the line OR ELSE.

    You can do it Carol - and if all else fails, don't get mad, get even!

    Love Angie