What is wrong with some people!!

1 minute read time.

For those who know me, I am a fight-able but lovable old bat. I am reaching the 11th month into remission from,Ovarian, bowel, womb, stomach and ormental cancers and I went back to work in October last year as Internal head door supervisor after a year of hell and 10 months to recover, to get fit and strong again so that my work mates could feel that I was well enough to do my job again and resume working together again as a team................they have let me down completely and I am so angry at the moment.

I fought like a mad woman and almost lost my battle with cancer but luckily for me I came through, I struggled to get myself strong with the help of exercise and physio I got there and what do I find as happened, my so called work mates are not covering my butt, I struggled with a guy who tried to rip my head off and some of my doorman just stood there, nice, they seem to think that because I had had cancer and I am back that I can work alone, they have become lazy and I do my job right, I have had to tell them off for not doing their jobs and they don't like it, how sad is that. This is so childish  it is unreal. Yes I am a strong female and yes I am one of their bosses but they are threatened by me because I work well and I am popular. Sorry guys I just needed to get this off my chest, it is bad enough fighting cancer, I didn't expect to have to fight my friends also, well those who I thought were friends. They know my cancer could return at anytime but I have dented their male egos. Shame on me....love Carol xx 

  • FormerMember

    Hi chum - am sitting here fuming.  

    You are one of the most amazing people I have had the privilege to get to know.  

    I consider you my own little 'Mastercard' because the strength that I have gained from your blogs, support and at times down right daftness is 'priceless'.  

    Just know that if they are not hanging their heads in shame, they obviously don't even have one brain cell.  

    What goes around comes around hun - one day they will need support and I hope when that occasion arises they remember their weak, pathetic attitude.

    Love always - Judi xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, what a joke they are, hope they never need anyone, only prob if your around youd be there, but your the nicer person for it. Take care

  • FormerMember


    Poor you, how frustrating.  Do you think they are behaving like children, pushing the boundaries to see what they can get away with ? I know thats not much help at the time, hopefully the rocket you sent up them will sort them out to stop this happening next time.

    Stay strong x

  • FormerMember

    hi carol, this happened to me too! i returned to work after 9 months of treatment and felt an absolute outcast by the team. My confidence was low anyway without the support of my colleagues. I came home from work and cried because i couldn't understand the mentality of it.

    I now know why, I was a threat to a colleague, i was good at my job, popular and gave 100%, she made sure i didn't feel welcome and took control of the others.

    Eventually, i climbed the ladder and she left, what a fantastic feeling that was!

    All i can say, is hold your head up through this tough time and you will beat them as you beat the dreaded disease, YOU CAN DO THIS!!! you're a fighter xx

  • FormerMember

    What idiots, in that kind of environment you need to know you can depend on each other. Can you have a staff meeting and point out how dangerous this kind of behaviour can be?

    good luck
