The holiday, cancer and me Part4

2 minute read time.
I was told "If you don't have treatment now, you.ll die". Fine, understood. "Well get on with it then" was my reply. It seems my reactions to my dilemma were incorrect! I should have screamed, cried, yelled why me, but no, I didn't. I herd the word cancer, I knew what it could do and wasting energy on throwing a massive fit didn't enter my head. I have cancer, there is treatment, get on with it and see what happens. That was my attitude, plain and simple, black and white! I started chemo, it was a combination of two, both used for ovarian and lung cancer. I knew the primary cancer was in my right ovary, where the original pain had started months before and it had moved on to a muscle wall. The hope was that 3 doses of chemo which equals one cycle, would do the job, I was then to have a CT scan followed by a total hysterectomy and possibly another 3 chemos. Well that was the plan to start with! JACK MYTTONS bridge 10 & THE POACHERS POCKET Went clothes shopping in Ellesmere that was good, then I found a very small shop and went inside to look around and there I found over the knee socks in really bright colours, bearing horizontal stripes all the way up them. I had to buy two pairs of them because they were so revolting and it would amuse me to ware them, especially with my skinny legs!!!!! Kev and I then set sail for Jack Myttons, a pub adjacent to bridge 10 for lunch! I had steak and ale pie, which was surberb, Kev only wanted a cheese bagette and made a bloody mess eating that. A young couple came in off another boat and we had a laugh with them. She had a pint of the scrumpy called The Leg Lifter and kev decided he would have a pint of that next. I said to him, that if she fell over after drinking her pint, he wouldn't be having any and we all laughed. Kev was decidedly unsteady on his feet after several pints of that scrumpy but he carried a huge grin on his face, so what the hell and I got us a bottle of champagne for when we crossed over the aquaduct the following day. Next is was The Poachers Pocket, a large pub,sitting right beside the canalside at bridge 19 at Chirk. At meal times the place is packed and the food is very good. We found a small table and sat down after getting our drinks and ordering our food. Right next to our table was a radiator, so we sat there slowly but surely melting! Kev was hot and I was having hot flushes!! Once again both of us were fat, full and content and that is all we needed to carry on. To many, it would seem like a fortnight of getting drunk and eatting too much, but there is alot more to this holiday than that. We have eaten loads and for me to be able to is very good news, seeing I haven't eaten properly for months and I have gained some weight, this has abled me to walk, which I couldn't do before, I was too weak, we have laughed so much about all sorts of daft things which has lifted us both mentally. We came back to Elvind, watched a film and then went off to bed, both of us completely knackered and happy.
  • FormerMember

    Another good read, remind me to pencil in the Poachers Pocket for a future day out, I love Chirk and the castle.

  • FormerMember

    Love the way you have written your blog with your cancer experience followed by your holiday. We did the Llangollen on one of our booze cruises. One of my uncle's was a paranoid schizophrenic (boy have i got some tales about him!) and he woke us up to say the boat was drifting down the canal. I told him to go back to bed thinking he was hallucinating. It wasn't long before we found that some vandals had untied us and the Llangollen had a slow current. They had nicked our barge pole and we WERE drifiting - and had been so for several miles.

    Wasn't Jack Myles known as Mad Jack?




  • FormerMember

    Yus, Mad Jack's it was (and maybe still is) called. But Mad Jack himself has retired now. It's an excellent pub and decent food.

    Kezzer - if you have time, you MUST venture down the Montgomery Canal, about an hour from Ellesmere. It's abso-bloody-lutely idyllic. You have to check out the times for locking down as they only open the locks once or twice a day (depending on season) to keep the traffic down. Consequently there'll be hardly any boats there. There's a good pub with food at Queen's Head and a rather more expensive but excellent pub-bistro further down called The Navigation. It's not a long stretch of water but it doesn't need to be. It's a bloody big nature reserve. Not to be missed. Trust me. Take supplies tho, because there aren't any shops, but you can get a bus from Queen's Head to Oswestry (I think it's Oswestry, I'm having a senior moment here!)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Shelagh....................Been there and done it. had a great evenning at The Navigation and yes is is lovely. Have been on the Llangollen canal now for the last 5 coming up to six years and we love it. Was Mad Jack the old landlord, if so we found him to be a pompus rude old git, the pub is now run by a Cornish chap who comes from my neck of the woods. We are back on the canal on the 22nd of this month

  • FormerMember

    There are some photos on my pics of this holiday....................Love Carol

    I am the good looking one, the hairy one is Kev, the yellow and burgundy floating thingy is Elvind and the plate of steak is at the Black Lion in Ellesmere!