The Bouncing Kezzerbird!!

1 minute read time.

Hi Guys..................Just thought I'd let you all know how my first night back working the doors went...........WELL....I had a ball. Fridays nights aren't that busy but what customers we did have in were party animals, I even had some of them dancing with me, I got slobbered over  and hugged by all! What an amazing buzz. I had a great welcome back, though my doorcrew are a little wary that I am not quite ready to come back or that I might get hurt (Bless em) but they have to realise that I know ME and I am not going to risk  coming back and not doing my job unless I am 100% sure that I am up to it. Male bouncers Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrh!

Some things don't change, they all still all moaning about work. If they had gone through what I have just gone through, they would be damn glad to be able to work.

Tonight will be great, this is the night I am really looking forward to, it will be extremely busy and will test my fitness (that is me being picked up by the farmers and rugby boys and carried off somewhere) I am just so grateful to have a second chance at life and will enjoy every day extra that I have been given, I wish this was the case for all of us.

So it just goes to show that I was diagnosed last March with ovarian primary, rapidly followed by womb, bowel,stomach and ormental cancers which spread in three months because my treatment at that time wasn't working, followed by major surgery, followed by more treatment and I was loosing my fight, even my medical team were giving up on me and today I am almost 50, a granny to 7 and a bouncer in charge of big beefy thats why I will say to anyone,never give up.........Love and hugs to those that want them.....Carolxx

Blimey!  I frighten myself sometimes!! x

  • FormerMember

    A model for what though Hehe n? Cherryl, yes we did have to do courses to get a badges to work the doors, Headlock Helen sounds about right for her job! and you make sure that your hubby make good use of his bus pass too my lovely. Spotty youths are under control too xxx

  • FormerMember

    Carol you look bloomin fabulous!!!!!!!!

    I want a flat tummy but I am not prepared to work for it LOL

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember a Bitch Belt like I have, everyone looks at that and not your stomach, it's very slimming you know!!!!!! (Oh I am getting worse!!)xx

  • FormerMember

    lol Carol, you have a great outlook on life, a good example to us all. well done getting back at work, i hope you get plenty of chance to boss them beefy guys around tonight. have a lovely night.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol

               Get back in there sorting them spotty Herberts out and when you get finished you can help me with the ones on the A1 isnt it great to be back hope all goes well

    Top Marks Eric