The bouncing Kezzerbird! one

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Hi my lovelies...............Just to let you all know that since the head doorman resigned and I have taken his place, work as improved no end and my door crew are working with me at last. WOW what a difference it as made for me. I have had to see my consultant 2 months earlier than expected, I haven't been feeling too great, hopefully my cancer hasn't returned, I know it will at some point, so am waiting on a scan. Showed my 'cancer can kiss my arse' tattoo to him and he loved it, I have almost reached 12 months in remission and selfishly I would like it to be longer, but I have had 12 months longer than I should have, maybe I am just being paranoid, we will have to wait and and hugs to those who want them....Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hey you - no wonder you are feeling a bit run down with what you have been through lately.  Ass whooping can take it out of you, you know.

    We are all here, loads of love, special lady.  Judi xxx

  • FormerMember

    Well done for facing him off and building a team around you. Good luck with your scan - that's something else this effing disease does - every ache, every twinge is the bastard back again. Here's to the all clear - in fact I will drink atoast to you tonight.

    Keep smiling,




  • FormerMember

    Hope all is ok Carol. You have  been under a lot of stress with work lately.

    Maggs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Keezer, im sure you will be fine, dont forget you had a major operation and we all know your a lady that likes to be doing.

    Just ease up and give time and rest to yourself. Will keep everything i can crossed, and thats not easy for an girl like

    Love And Hugs Lucylee. xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol.

    Are you not going to get some peace after all you have been through.

    Congratulations on you promotion,Now they will know whos Boss.

    Good Luck with your Scan.Im sure you will be ok.

    Take care and be safe. Love Sarsfield.xx