Maybe some hope

1 minute read time.
Hi guys.....................Went and saw my oncoligist today and maybe there is some hope for me after all (maybe). The results of my CT scan haven't been read by who ever reads them but 3 consultants got together and had a look(yes I was told that they are not trained in this field) but they feel quite confident that where all the cancer I had which was removed has not returned and my oncoligist has told me that this new chemo is active and I shall start the second cycle on Sunday (number 4 of this chemo & number 8 so far) I feel good at the moment and have to wait a little longer and hope the scan doesn't reveal anything, it will be read by the correct person on Wednesday and my case will be discussed then, so keep your fingers crossed. I still have cancer and I know I have hopefully it is still in the lining of my stomache and hasn't moved else where. This is the first time I have had anything remotely positive said to me since this nightmare began in March. I hope that because I am a fightable, stubbon old bag that I may have done myself some good, we shall see but a little bit of hope goes a long way with me! Love and hugs to all that want them Carol the mad Kezzerbird xx
  • FormerMember

    Dear Carol

    I've only just seen this blog - was away for the week and it's taking me ages to catch up on everything.  Anyway, fantastic news - I'm so delighted for you.  And I do hope everything went well on Wednesday.

    Much love as ever

    Kate xxx