Kezzerbird.....wigs galore!

Less than one minute read time.

The head is shaved ready for 'battle mark 2' but you know me I have been buying wigs, not a blue one in sight this time! I have gone long, why not eh!!

Wild child with flower in gob!

Only slightly wild

Me looking gormless!

And yours truly TRYING to look sweet UM!

Hopefully start chemo on Saturday if there is a bed for and hugs from The wild,goomless and cute Kezzerbird x

  • FormerMember

    Thaks for the pics, and I must say you look great with (and without) long hair - I'm sending you lots of hugs and good wishes. Val XX

  • FormerMember

    OMG Carol that gave me the biggest laugh today.  Not the wigs, YOU trying to look sweet!!!!!!!!

    They are all great but the first one is my favourite, shall have to start calling you Ermintrude, that cow off the magic roundabout, wasn't she always chewing a flower LOL

    Good luck with the battle:


    Love & strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    I like the Ermintrude (She did chew flowers Debs ... although I think hers were a bit cheaper, daisies probably!!)

    My natural hair was like that one before chemo, now I'm a cross between a demented badger and a pald paint brush. But that's ok cos it's goiong again. Next time I've ordered it to grow back long, straight and blonde like the old Timotei advert!!!

    Best of luck with the chemo Carol. You don't need hair, your smiley eyes say it all!

    Bad Fairy x

  • FormerMember

    GOOD OLE DEBS......I wondered how long it would take you to think up something to make me laugh. Mind you I am beginning to think I should live on a farm, well, Ermintrude (cow) and I get called Babe (the pig). Are people trying to tell me some thing? LOL. I suppose it could have been Dylan, he was always off his face, well, I shall be again soon when chemo starts WOW MAN!!!!

  • FormerMember

    Glad to be of assistance my dear but less of the 'OLE DEBS' I am a mere 42......for a few more months anyway :)