Kezzerbird.....washing my hair!!!!!!! (I'm back)

2 minute read time.

Well it is off to the club I go tonight to swing my pants or should I say my stoma bag and have a couple of drinks and see my door crew and all my mates and have a laugh. I hope the weather stays dry today because I have to wash my hair, well all four of them (for any one suffering Dory moments, I have to wash my wigs!!!!) and if it rains I can't exactly stick them in the dryer, well I could but I would look rather silly going out with a melted tuft on my head!!!!!! I shall dig out my Simon Cowel jeans (the waist band goes under my chin because of my stoma) and a T shirt, my black jacket and my trainers. The great thing now with being 50 is that my make up takes only 30 seconds to apply, when I was a teenager, many, many moons ago, I would start getting ready at lunch time to go out for 10pm and my bedroom used to look like a bomb site but now I know what I am wearing and what make up to stick on and I don't have to hang up side down for 2 hours to dry my bloody hair. Lovely job!!!!! I saw my Mac nurse Mike yesterday and he told me to go and do every thing I want to do, I had mentioned about going body boarding if I can find a wet suit and he said 'If you feel up to it, do it' so if next month is nice I shall attemp to do that. I was raised by the sea and spent most of my young life by and in the sea and then they made the film JAWS, I tell you that ruined swimming for me and I haven't been in it since...No I tell a lie there...I did get drunk about 6 years ago and after a nice meal and a litre of Cornish Mead wine decided to go to the beach at 9pm and sat in the sea fully clothed, much to Kevs horror and then took off my wet  gear in the carpark in the dark when car head lights hit my bare arse, but I didn't have my tattoo then so I think the car driver wasn't too traumatised!!!!! Right my lovelies I need another bucket of tea before the hair washing starts, then house work to be done followed by some gardening, as you can see the Bird has bounced back yet again!!! Love and hugs to those who want them...Carol x

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with cancer xxxx

  • FormerMember

    And kezzer, long may you continue to live with cancer, keep pushing the boundaries as I know you can, hope you enjoyed your night out, and I love the idea of body boarding, but I'm not a big lover of the water even though I live in a seaside town lol.......if you do it you'll have to get pic's eh?

    Liz xxxx

  • FormerMember

    fantastic! welcome back, i'll raise a glass to you (or a few) tonight, i'm not at a club - i don't think there is one near here, but we have got mates coming over to down a few beers, and the music will be playing  hmmmm just need a bouncer and some 'cage dancers' are you and your mates free??? have a great weekend and take real good care of yourself. lots of love and hugs sue xxxx