Kezzerbird still bouncing!

2 minute read time.

Hi my lovelies.........................Saturday night was the real tester for me and my fittness, we were very busy and it was great, I had such a laugh. The 18 and 19 year olds who hadn't met me turned out to be brilliant. I only had a couple of disagreements with two of them, which I delt with rather was a lad who likes to try and start fights (this means a light snack for me!!!!) I went to him to tell him to wind his neck in and just get on and enjoy his night when I got ****************************************************which means a mouth full of abuse (OH bad move boy!) so he was promply removed by moi and after protesting his innocense I informed him that he was having am early night! But i haven't done anything (same old story) I just reminded him for future reference that next time he decides to swear at me when I am talking to him that he will leave with my boot up his butt, a smack around his ear and sent home to his mother with a ban over Christmas!He then went very quiet and left!!   

The second was a girl who slapped another one on the dance floor. I pulled both girls out to find out what the problem was and it turned out that this one slapped the other because she accidently pulled her hair extensions. HAIR EXTENSIONS!! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh (Oh dear, red rag to a bull) I very loudly informed this (I can't find the words here) That I was bald from chemo for a year because of cancer and she slapped someone because of hair extensions. She left the club rather rapidly of her own accord, leaving me red faced with anger (Go get a life you idiot!!)

Loads of the old customer were in and I got kissed and hugged and carried off, one woman sarah who was one of the nurses who cared for me when I was at my worst came in, when she saw me back at work she held me and started to cry (No it wasn't the fact I was working there again, it was the fact that I was able to) she almost set me off crying too!

Loads of laughter and a job well done. I am backwhere I need to be, doing what I need to do making my fight for life worth every damn awful moment, worth while................Love and hugs to all that want them..........Carol the don't mention hair extensions Kezzerbird xx

  • FormerMember

    Well done to you hun, I;m loving the belt lol. Having read your story you really are an inspiration on here, and your job sounds great, and looking at the photo I ain't gonna argue with you lady lol

    take care love Terri xxx

  • FormerMember

    I am famous for my belt hun and you can argue with me anytime, I will be gentle with you! I write what I write to give some hope to others and I am glad that  it helps , I had help from people on here and I need to give something back. (Ay up, I am getting serious here Opps!) Take care Carol the scary Kezzerbird!! x

  • FormerMember

    Hey Carol,

    Talk about "strike a pose" look all mean but we know you are all heart, but we promise never to let is pass these cyber walls ;)

    Love you putting the scrapping girls in their place over hair extensions LMAO

    Keep at it.

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Just to say , well done Carol! Your story will give a lot of hope to a lot of people ! Keep smiling !

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, sounds like you had a good night, i am so pleased for you. And well done you for putting your foot down with that lad swearing at you, i hate when that happens in work, and will no put up with it myself. I work in the nhs so woulnt get away wit wearing the belt...... i dont think anyway lol. You do tell the stories well, keep them coming!

    take care
