Kezzerbird's crazy son

1 minute read time.

Happy Mothers day to all the mums out there in Mac land. I thought I would do a mumsy blog just for the occasion!

Tonight I am hitting the town with my lovely carzy son Karl (don't know where he gets it from!!!!!! um!) I have three kids, Toni my dippy looney daughter who will be 30 next month, Lee who I don't have anything to do with (he is into drugs and won't work 28 and Karl who is 25 and completely mad. Anyway, where was I.....oh yes...My son and I will be causing havoc tonight and having a few drinks, we are both well known where we live, so there won't be a dull moment tonight. He has the most great sense of humour but others tend to find him weird with things he comes out with. When I was very ill people would keep asking him about me (he is a taxi driver by the way) and he would say "The old bat is still here , she won't leave me the house!" or " I've tried bumping her off, but she is having none of it" He is the only taxi driver I know who regularly gets slapped by his customers!! This is his way of coping with my situation and I love it, he always makes me laugh,I didn't see him when he went to my friends breaking his heart and saying to them "What will I do without my mum, she is my best friend and I love her so much" and now he is worrying over this scan I just had, bless him. Oh I am soooooooooo lucky. So think of me tonight enjoying Mothers Day with my crazy son and think of my bad head tomorrow!!!! UMPH. To my own Mum who is no longer around.....I love and miss you every day Carol xx 

  • FormerMember

    hi carol

    have a great time tonight i'm sure you will. my daughter text me at 2am this morning wishing me a happy mothers day bless her. later today i'm going out to dinner with my youngest so looking forward to that. have fun love sharon xx

  • FormerMember

    You Go Girl,just don't get arrested or anything,Lol!

    Have a Ball,you deserve to,


  • FormerMember

    awww kezz/carol.... your son would fit right in here in northern ireland... thats our type of humour.... and he can only do it because he knows ... that you know... that he loves you so much... have a lovely time.... happy mothers day xoxoxox


  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol

    I had a great Mother's day.  My son and partner came up from England and we went out for a meal with my other son and wife and my grandaughter.  We had a smashing time and I am goign to be a granny once again at the beginning of Sept.  Have a good night Carol XX

  • FormerMember

    Have a good time my 'andsome. but take care.

    Tony xx