Kezzerbird.... ready to raise hell!!!!!

1 minute read time.

Just to let you all know that the bird has picked her self up, dusted herself off and is ready to raise hell about being messed around and not listened too for the second time around. I will get my 3rd chemo and they will give my the port I NEED to get the chemo into my body. If I have any c**p from the hospital, I shall go down there, strip naked infront of the main enterance, after calling the media, that is and then see how a hospital spokes person talks their way out of that.

Well mr spokes person why do you have a nearly bald, 50 year old naked woman  with a stoma bag blowing up and down with a cancer can kiss my arse on her butt complaining because her veins have collapsed and she needs a port so she can get her 3rd chemo and try and survive a little longer?

Watch this space dear friends because if they don't sort this out this is exactly what I will do!!!!!

Picture of some of the bruises I have, they are not as bad as they were. Love and hugs to those who want them....Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    wohoooo and them some.  I'll come stand with you Carol - but not naked, so siree bob that is something the world need not have afflicted upon them.

    But I'd gladly stand and be counted alongside you mate.

    Those bruises look all too familiar to me, although yours win hands down!

    I so hope they help, if not I am sure a little email to your local paper with your photo of the bruises wouldn't hurt (well not as much as the bruises did) especially if you include one of your tattoo and how hard you have already fought to get this far.

    Keep kicking up dust mate xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    go carol :))), nice to hear that fighting talk back, kick their butts , lots of love and hugs xxxx

  • FormerMember

    There may be a full eclipse of the moon if you do that Carol, but by heck you'll get everyone's attention, haha.

    Make a damn nuisance of yourself and keep on at them - you will get through I'm sure.

    Stay strong.

    Love and hugs



  • FormerMember

    You go and give them hell!!  it's no fun when veins don't co-operate! Take care  xx Kath

  • FormerMember

    good for you carol. give them hell. sending my love to you sharon xx