An aploogy

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I may be wrong but the blog titled An apology sounds like my ex has written it and it seems to coincedentle that it isn't. I agree that all of us need support but writting an apology is like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted and I went through hell and back again ALONE because my so called partner was so far up his own butt to care about Carol x

  • Hi Carol

    think it was pretty clear who it was hence my comment that its not us that needs the apology, if he has the b*lls then he should be apologising to you, had hoped you might miss it as you don't need any more upset.

    rise above it and stay strong


  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol

    Think a few others may of reached the same conclusion, it did have the ring of sincerity but maybe too little, too late.

    You had to learn to walk alone at the hardest time in your life, maybe you have even found the journey easier than carrying the burden of an uncaring carer.

    Sometimes not caring is the hardest abuse to cope with, it does cause irrepairable damage to any relationship

    Keep fighting the Good Fight, I know where the vast majority of the sympathy and understanding is direct fom this site.

    Love and Hugs Mate

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    I thought the same Carol((hugs)) i did mail you but knowing me it never got there lol.

    I can understand your anger and hurt too..

    Hoping you are able to enjoy the sunshine love.

    Hugs scarlet xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    My deepest apology for an excuse of a man and for not twigging it was the Bastard that wrote it. Now Im

    angry with myself for being conned by the useless git. I should have known. DAMN IT !!!!!!!!

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Jackie.xx P.S. Forgive me. I hope I never meet him Face to Face.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Carol, I thought it was about you too!  I must admit though I felt absolutely no empathy for him at all - it was all about him learning a very important lesson - it was so self serving and winging I couldn't feel anything but anger.  I wanted to verbally kick him up the ar-e and shut up.  A loved one needed him and he deserted her because he couldn't hack it - how very weak.  Although, as much as he was needed by you? (or whoever it was) they are so much better off without him, you deserve the best girl, next time be far more choosy!  Change of tac was wondering how you are coping and how  your animals are - I hope you have enough love around you right now, I send you a big hug and love.  Ann x