Kezzerbird.....quick up date before I fall over!!

Less than one minute read time.

Well ever since my blood transfusion on Tuesday I have gone through the floor, very odd and cannot eat or drink without throwing up. I haven't a clue what is going on at the moment. The Bird is trying very hard to pick herself up, I will get there. Love and hugs to those who want Carol x

  • FormerMember

    With you every step hun.  (((((   ))))))

    Judi x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Sorry to hear you feeling so rough, a special gentle hug coming your way,

    lots a sarf london love

    Alex xx

  • FormerMember

    Hey Carol,

                    Sending you lots of hugs and hoping you feel better very soon. This disease is all highs and lows, so I reckon there is a high on its way!

                      Take care,

                           Lots of love,

                                 lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you Carol and sending you lots and lots of good vibes for a speedy recovery. I know you can do it your our strong Kezzer bird an inspiration to us all. Lots of gentle hugs and love. Julie XXXXXXXX

  • FormerMember

    I thought blood transfusion where supposed to help not hinder..... perhaps your body doesn't want someone elses blood.....  I'm sure it will calm down soon, just do as your body tells you, and rest if necessary, surrounded with all those friendly animals in your managerie!!

    Keep smiling and you'll come through it again ready to kick ass for everyone.

    Love and hugs
