Kezzerbird.......OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!!!

Less than one minute read time.

No go with the PICC line, my veins are shot from 2 years ago. The nurse did her best with the only two veins I had left but could only get 20cm up, it was painful but she did her best bless her. She will refer me for a port instead. Hey ho! Carol x

  • FormerMember

    hey carol....i sure hope they dont stick the line in were they put mine.......[ in my groin ]  but that was for 4 / 5 days of r-dhap..

    they couldnt even get the hickman line in and the bloke doing it must have spent nearly an hour trying...

    hope everything will go as good as possible for you carol....

    xxx hugs

  • FormerMember

    Go for it girl! I had my port fitted last October and haven't looked back since - I love it!  It only took a couple of hours to fit, under a sedative, and it's made my life SOOO much easier.  If you're going to fight your onc anyway, ask for a 'power port', which is new and CT injectible, so the contrast for your scans can also go through it (some oncs will tell you that this doesn't exist - but it does and I have one!  Thank heavens for Reading and the Royal Berks!).  Good luck my sweet xxxxx