tribute to a dear friend

1 minute read time.

This is not my usual funny blog.

I have just found out that my dear friend Kate 2003 died last night. I wanted to write a tribute to this wonderful caring lady who meant so much to myself and to others.

I first came across Kate on the old 'What now' site, we were diagnosed one month apart with late stage Ovarian cancer, that was in 2008. We both had the same attitude towards the illness and that was to fight it and keep on fighting it, we also knew that it would get us one day but it wasn't going to be that easy. Kate reached remission first and I was so happy for her but 6 months later it was back and this incredible woman just kept on fighting. I remember her saying to me once on the phone 'I say to myself that if Kezzer can do this then so can I' This lady and she was a lady, had spirit, humour and a very caring nature and even though we never had the chance to meet, I loved this lady and even though we were miles apart, we fought along side one another every day. I can't find the words to express my sorrow for losing a friend but I know now that she is at peace and back with her beloved husband. So Kate, I shall light a candle for you my friend and I thank you for all you gave me and you shall stay in my heart until the day I die and then at that time, we shall finally meet. Bless you Kate and thank you for being a part of my life. I love you x

  • I met Kate2003 at the 'Banstead Booze Up' in July 2009. As you say, she was a lovely, kind and charming woman. She arrived at the party bearing orchids for both Sharry and myself. We exchanged PMs but when she failed to reply to the last  one I sent on October 22nd, I suspected her condition had deteriorated.

    Please pass on my sincere sympathy to her family.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Our Deepest sorry for the loss of such a great friend.

    Your Words summed up the hurt you are feeling inside. I only wish there was something I could do to

    ease the Pain.

    May you R.I.P. Kate.

    All our Love Jackie,Angela,and Meggie.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Sorry you have lost a good friend. I didn't know her but the loss of one of our community is always sad. My condolences to you and to Kate's family.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, So sorry for the loss of your dear friend, My sincere condolences  Sue xx

  • FormerMember

    Bugger! ANd that's not really how I feel.


