Kezzerbird...major humour failure

1 minute read time.

The day before for PICC line, no go my veins are shot, recommendation, port in problem

Yesterday hospital again to have blood taken, success on second attempt, saw the cancer nurse and that was like talking to a brick wall, told her my veins are buggered and asked about CT scan due after 3rd chemo, total blank! Asked about stomach swelling, again total blank, saw a girlie doctor who was also blank and as much use as a chocolate tea pot. Went home with the knowledge that I would be getting chemo on day ward and had to be there at 8 am for the day, got a phone call to say they had a bed for me on the ward also! UM

Today....two attempts to put cannula in, small vein found, 15 minutes of fluids in, vein burst, Oh what a surprise! Four more attempts to insert cannula,,total failure so my treatment can't be given even though I need it. My consultant is away until Monday, so the staff are going to push for the port, I could have a Hickman in (had one last time) but the port is suitable for on going treatment and the risks of infection are very low and of course it would stay in situ for possibly ever BUT it all boils down to money, Isn't a life cheap these days, needless to say I don't know if I want to shout, scream, cry or hit something, all I am trying to do is survive, like the rest of us and these assholes just don't listen. I know me, I know my body and as the port nurse said with the amount of chemos and the strength of the 10 I had last time round, it is no wonder my veins can't take it. I am so angry.....Rant and hugs to those who want Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    See I knew getting my bum tattooed was a good thing Jackie (ah up, Kezzerbird, was that a glimmer of humor there!!!)

  • FormerMember

    Carol, for once I am not gonna tease or joke with you, I am "outraged and appalled from Essex".

    Perhaps you should give us the hospital details so we can all write letters of complaints about the "lack of treatment" you are getting!!!!!!!

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr its started me off a tad grumpy on a Saturday morning, I can see a bit of trolley rage on the horizon for me today!!!!!!!!!

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Carol I am so sorry you have to go through this on top of everything else. I hope things improve monday. Sending you hugs and kisses love Julie xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    I wonder just how much they'd listen if they'd been through this like us!!!???  They always say "we can't possibly know how it is for you"  derrrrr correct you can't so please listen to us.  Blimey love I feel for I really do!!! perhaps a megaphone, a white board, pens pencils and a pad and they might get the message!   Keep you're pecker up love don't let the "bas....ds grind you down.  

    Love and a gentle hug   Alex xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    What on this earth does it take for Dr,Nurses etc to learn listen to your patients they know how their body works.

    I spoke with my consultants sec this week cos seeing him on Mon for results of ct. Asked her please to tell him when we arrive would like to see ct plates not tiny pic on computer screen. Guess what he's on leave this week and he won't be in contact with her before the clinic starts.

    So lets just hope nothing major has occured with any of his other patients whilst he's been away and apparentely his registrar won't see him either. Obviously no comm between them so what hope have we got.

    Really feel for you, you should'nt have to shout to be heard, when you are with whoever then you should be the only focus of attention.

    Keep on smiling sunshine you are my hero and inspiration to beat this evil disease.

    Love and hugs as always.
