Kezzerbird...It is official I am a freak of nature!!!!!!

1 minute read time.

I am not sure how to write this blog guys. I have just returned from getting my scan results and am baffled at the results. I have been living for at least 2 years with the knowledge that my life is being cut short BUT today it has been confirmed that I, The Kezzerbird am a freak of nature!!!! 

  I sat in a room by myself and waited for my Onc to appear, he did, along with the cancer nurse and a student doctor, Ummmm, this doesn't look good, thinks I.............I was asked how I was and said that it was them to tell me that. It seems there are two types of late stage Ovarian cancer and I was supposed to have been in the category of doing well and then going down hill quickly for the final time, well it seems that my body has decided to do the opposite, I have some new tumours which are very slow growing and are staying away from vital organs, so it appears the rather than dying sooner, I may go on for the 20 years that I said I would, regardless of what my medical team had stated!!!!!!! I have once again baffled my medical team and my Onc said that I never do anything that I should do but he had the biggest grin on his face. He really thought I wasn't going to be around much longer, he couldn't say sorry enough but what I should have done, I haven't done!!!!!!

I am off all chemo for at least 4 months to give my body a break and have been put on Tamoxifen, which is normally given to breast cancer patients, my Onc said it may or may not do anything but we would have to wait and see. I more than likely will have more chemo but the gentler chemo than I have had, so I will just go with the flow and carry on as before and that is living my life and damn well enjoying it. Love and hugs to those who want them......Carol the freaky Kezzerbird xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    So glad to hear this.Maybe a bit early but sounds like a good xmas coming your way.Well done,Jim xx

  • FormerMember

    Great news Carol, I am so happy for you!

  • FormerMember

    Carol was feeling a little low today and was miffed coz I forgot to send you luck earlier, but heyyyy knew you wouldn't need it and you have just made me feel as happy as a pig in s*** you know what.....That is the best news my mate.


  • FormerMember

    Have just read your story and am over the moon at your news.  It must be your positive mental attitude.  I was given 12 months to live but told my oncologist 'who the hell does he think he is, he is not God'.  He didn't quite expect that response and thought I was a most strange patient.  I also intend to defy medical science.  Treatment working so far and oncologist told me whatever I am doing, I must carry on......still smoke and enjoy a couple of glasses of red wine in the evening.  He laughed.  Keep well and a big hug to you xxx