Kezzerbird.......I'm Back!!!!!

1 minute read time.

Yes the bird is back from her hols on a narrow boat in North Wales and I have come back to a nice young man who is putting in my new gas central heating for me, he may be ripping my house apart to do it but do I care NO because I shall be snug this winter and my resident polar bears will be moving out Ha Ha!!!!! Well the holiday wasn't so good this year because the side effects with my chemo really came out, and I mean came out, I had a love affair with the toilet on the boat, 2 whole weeks with the trots (I can't spell dia a rear!!!) and vomiting for England......most inconvinent me thinks but I still have a smile on my face. Well folks I am having my scan this Wednesday and will know the following day if this chemo is working or not, if it is then I get 3 more and if it isn't oh well I have to have another sort, well after all I have only been poisoned 21 times in a year and a half so whats a few more times eh!!!!!!! I still stay positive and still live by the words tattooed on my bum (for those who don't know, I have a 'Cancer can kiss my arse' tattooed on my arse)

Some pics from my hols

The last piccy is of friends we met last year on holiday, they came up to see us and stayed with us for a few days Keith was successfully treated for throat cancer, it was great to see them again  (Keith, Kezzer & mut,Sue and happiness on a stick in Llangollen Oct 2010) Love and hugs to those who want Carol x

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    Lovely pictures, Kez, and hasn't Summit grown!  Glad to see you back and I hope all goes well with the scan.

    Marsha xx

  • FormerMember

    Carol, sorry you couldn't enjoy your holiday more but the photo's are beautiful.  You picked a lovely spot for your chemo 'coming out' both ends!!!!!!!

    I am well jealous of how well and fast your hair is growing back, looking fab my friend.

    Keeping anything I can cross, crossed for weds matey.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Marsha..yep she has grown but she was only 4 months old on the last hols and thanks chic x.Debs my lovely I like that 'a chemo coming out holiday' and don't cross too many bits hun, we will never untangle you he he x

  • FormerMember

    Nice to see you're back Carol and, in spite of the horrendous side effects you suffered, the pics looked so lovely - you always make the best of any situation and I feel so proud of your determinationl.  Good luck for Wednesday - you are one bird whose cancer can kiss your arse! Ann x

  • FormerMember

    LOL Carol, it will only be my eyes that I cross ;)